Procedures for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam

Procedures for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the procedures for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam? – Phuong Nhi (Ha Tinh)

Procedures for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam

Procedures for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

The procedures for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism are regulated in Decision 987/QD-BVHTTDL in 2024 as follows:

1. Documentation for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam

* Components of the documentation:

(1) Request letter for consideration for awarding the commendation title (using Form 01 Appendix 01 issued with Decree 98/2023/ND-CP on December 31, 2023 of the Government);

(2) Report on individual achievements (using Form 03 Appendix 01 issued with Decree 98/2023/ND-CP on December 31, 2023 of the Government);

(3) Minutes of commendation evaluation and voting results of the Emulation Block;

(4) Certificate or confirmation from the Minister regarding effective applied initiatives or scientific topics, scientific projects, and scientific and technological works that have been successfully tested and applied, with a significant impact in the Ministry, sector, or province.

* Number of documentation sets: 01 set

* Submission method for documentation: direct submission, postal submission, or online submission (electronic documentation) to the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (through the Organizational and Personnel Department).

2. Procedures for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam

- The Council for Emulation and Commendation of the agencies and units under the Ministry is responsible for organizing evaluation meetings, preparing documentation for consideration for awarding the title of "Emulation Fighter".

- The documentation for consideration for awarding the title of "Emulation Fighter" from the agencies and units under the Ministry is sent directly, by post, or online (electronic documentation) to the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (through the Organizational and Personnel Department).

- The Organizational and Personnel Department reviews the documentation and submits it to the Ministry's Council for Emulation and Commendation within a period of 25 working days from the date of receiving complete documentation as regulated (except for urgent commendation). In the event of incomplete documentation, within a period of 05 working days, the Organizational and Personnel Department notifies the agency or unit to complete the documentation.

3. Criteria for consideration for awarding the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam

* Criteria for consideration for awarding the title of "Emulation Fighter":

- Having outstanding achievements selected among individuals who have been awarded the "Grassroots Emulation Fighter" title three times in a row;

- Having effective applied initiatives or scientific topics, scientific projects, scientific and technological works that have been successfully tested and applied, with a significant impact in the Ministry, sector, or province.

4. Prohibited acts in emulation and commendation

- Organizing emulation and commendation contrary to policies and laws of the State; taking advantage of emulation and commendation for personal profits.

- Obstructing, harassing, and creating negativity in emulation and commendation work.

- Making false declarations, forging documents, and conducting false confirmations and requests in emulation and commendation.

- Exploiting positions and entitlements to request or decide to award emulation titles or commendation forms contrary to the law.

- Using commendation items contrary to customs and traditions of the nation and social ethics, which adversely affects society.

- Using the emulation and commendation fund contrary to the law.

(Article 15 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022)

5. Objectives of emulation and commendation in Vietnam

- Emulation aims to attract and encourage every individual, collective, and household to promote the tradition of patriotism, unity, innovation, proactivity, creativity for good fulfillment of tasks and best achievements in Fatherland Construction and Defense for the goal of wealthy people, strong nation, democracy, equality, and civilization.

- Commendation aims to encourage individuals, collectives, and households to enthusiastically emulate; recognize the meritorious services and achievements of individuals, collectives, and households in Fatherland Construction and Defense.

(Article 4 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022)


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