Preferential treatment for use of human resources and talents in science and technology in Vietnam

Preferential treatment for use of human resources and talents in science and technology in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

What are the regulations on preferential treatment for use of human resources and talents in science and technology in Vietnam? - Thanh Tuyen (Hau Giang)

Preferential treatment for use of human resources and talents in science and technology in Vietnam

 Preferential treatment for use of human resources and talents in science and technology in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Preferential treatment for use of human resources and talents in science and technology in Vietnam

Preferential treatment for use of human resources and talents in science and technology according to Article 23 of the Law on Science and Technology 2013 are as follows:

- Persons who are appointed to scientific research titles, technological titles shall be entitled to following preferential treatment:

+ Be placed in a working position with salary and allowances in line with profession and qualification in the public scientific and technological organization;

+ Be entitled to tax incentives as prescribed in Article 64 of the Law on Science and Technology 2013;

+ Be entitled to adequate working equipment and working conditions more favorable than cadres and public servants and meeting requirements for implementation of science and technology tasks assigned;

+ Be exempted from civil liability in the event of damage or risk caused to the State during the implementation of science and technology tasks for some objective reason if all procedures and regulations are fulfilled;

- Leading scientists shall be entitled to following preferential treatment in addition to incentives as prescribed in Clause 1, this Article:

+ Implement important science and technology tasks as a favor;

+ Establish excellent research group in the field of expertise of one’s own and be granted expenditures for operation of such group;

+ Propose, participate in the construction, assessment and criticism for policies of industries, areas and the country on scientific and technological development;

+ Be entitled to preferential allowances according to the Government’s regulations;

+ Receive financial assistance for participation in scientific conferences, workshops at home and abroad on the areas of expertise;

- Scientists who are tasked with presiding over national science and technology tasks of special importance shall be entitled to following preferential treatment in addition to incentives as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 23 of the Law on Science and Technology 2013:

+ Receive salaries and incentive allowances as agreed with regulatory agencies that assign the duties; Be granted official residences, travel vehicles for public services during the performance of the assignments;

+ Make proposals for mobilization of science and technology human resources, budgets for implementation of the tasks and material and financial resources to ensure the implementation;

+ Employ experts at home and abroad; negotiate costs for the employment of experts; make decisions on acquisition of patents, designs, technical documents and technological know-how serving the tasks within allocated budget estimates;

+ Receive financial assistance for participation in scientific conferences, workshops at home and abroad on the areas of expertise;

+ Have absolute discretion to make decisions on the organization of assigned tasks;

- Talented young scientists shall be entitled to following preferential treatment in addition to incentives as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 23 of the Law on Science and Technology 2013:

+ Have priority in domestic and overseas scholarship considerations;

+ Establish excellent research group in one’s field of expertise and be granted expenditures for operation of this group;

+ Have priority in presiding over and participating in the implementation of other science and technology tasks;

+ Receive financial assistance for participation in scientific conferences, workshops at home and abroad on the areas of expertise;

2. Scientific research titles and technological titles in Vietnam

Scientific research titles and technological titles in Vietnam according to Article 19 of the Law on Science and Technology 2013 are as follows:

- Scientific research titles refer to the names that express scientific research levels and capacities of individuals involved in the areas of science including research assistants, researchers, high-ranking researchers.

Individuals who are involved in science and technology activities and participate in teaching and training at higher and postgraduate education shall be considered for appointment as professors or associate professors. Procedures on consideration for appointment are instructed in the Law on Higher Education;

- Technological titles refer to the names that show scientific research levels and capacities of individuals involved in the areas of science including research assistants, researchers, high-ranking researchers.

The Government shall detail technological titles and procedures on recognition and appointment of scientific research titles and technological titles.

- Persons who have obtained doctorate degrees or had excellent scientific and technological research works, or won top prize for science and technology shall be recognized and appointed to scientific research titles, technological titles of higher rank regardless of work period.

- Ministry of Home Affairs shall preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, relevant ministries, ministerial-level agencies in stipulating the lists, standards and codes of scientific research titles and technological titles.


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