Organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam

Organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

Below is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam as stipulated in Decree 81/2022/ND-CP.

Organizational  Structure  of  the  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs

Organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

1. What is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam?

According to Article 1 of Decree 81/2022/ND-CP, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam is a governmental agency of the Government of Vietnam that performs state administration functions regarding foreign affairs, including: diplomacy, borders, national territory, affairs concerning Vietnamese communities abroad, international treaties, international agreements, administration of the representative agencies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam abroad (hereinafter collectively referred to as Vietnamese representative agencies abroad), and activities of foreign representative agencies in Vietnam; state management of public services in fields under the state management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam according to the law.

2. Organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam

The organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam according to Article 3 of Decree 81/2022/ND-CP is as follows:

(1) European Department.

(2) American Department.

(3) Northeast Asia Department.

(4) Southeast Asia - South Asia - South Pacific Department.

(5) Middle East - Africa Department.

(6) Foreign Policy Department.

(7) General Economic Department.

(8) ASEAN Department.

(9) Department of International Organizations.

(10) Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation.

(11) Department of Cultural Diplomacy and UNESCO.

(12) Department of Legal and International Treaties.

(13) Department of Foreign Translation and Interpretation.

(14) Press and Information Department.

(15) Personnel and Organization Department.

(16) Office of the Ministry.

(17) Inspectorate of the Ministry.

(18) Department of Cryptography and Information Technology.

(19) Consular Department.

(20) State Protocol Department.

(21) External Relations Department.

(22) Department of Administrative and Financial Management.

(23) Ho Chi Minh City Department of Foreign Affairs.

(24) National Border Committee.

(25) State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese.

(26) Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam.

(27) The World & Vietnam Newspaper.

(28) Vietnamese Representative Agencies Abroad.

The organizations specified from (1) to (25) assist the Minister of Foreign Affairs in performing state management functions; organizations specified from (26) to (27) are public service providers under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam.

The organization specified in (28) are Vietnamese representative agencies abroad established by the Government of Vietnam and directly managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam.

The European Department is organized into 5 divisions; the Departments of Personnel and Organization, Legal and International Treaties each have 4 divisions; the Departments of the Americas, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia - South Asia - South Pacific, Middle East - Africa each have 3 divisions.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs submits to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam the decision on the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese, the National Border Committee, the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam; submits to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam the list of other public service providers under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs prescribes the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the organizations under the ministry, except for the organizations specified from (24) to (26).

3. Tasks and powers regarding international treaties and agreements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam

The tasks and powers regarding international treaties and agreements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam according to Clause 23, Article 2 of Decree 81/2022/ND-CP are as follows:

- Implement state management regarding international treaties and agreements;

- Review and propose the signing and accession to international treaties by ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and related agencies before submitting to the Government of Vietnam, and provide opinions on international agreements by other ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and related agencies as per regulations;

- Take the lead in advising, researching, and proposing negotiations on international treaties related to war, peace, and national sovereignty as per the law;

- Take the lead or coordinate in reviewing, cross-referencing the final text of international treaties, cooperate with foreign counterparts in organizing signing ceremonies for international treaties during high-level visits of Vietnamese delegations abroad or foreign delegations in Vietnam, unless otherwise agreed with the foreign signatory party or decided by competent state agencies;

- Provide comments and assess the compatibility of proposals for laws, ordinances, and decrees with relevant international treaties of which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member as prescribed by law;

- Take the lead in building and operating the Database on international treaties of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


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