Organization of activities for Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and activities responding to World Oceans Day 2024

Organization of activities for Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and activities responding to World Oceans Day 2024
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

On May 21, 2024, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued Official Dispatch 3214/BTNMT-BHĐVN-TTTT on organization of activities for Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and activities responding to World Oceans Day 2024.

Organization of activities for Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and activities responding to World Oceans Day 2024

Organization of activities for Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and activities responding to World Oceans Day 2024 (Internet image)

Organization of activities for Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and activities responding to World Oceans Day 2024

To successfully organize Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and activities in response to World Oceans Day 2024, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment respectfully proposes that central committees, ministries, central authorities, and provincial People's Committees coordinate and implement the following:

- Focus on disseminating the Party's viewpoints and policies, state laws, international maritime and island laws; Vietnam's legitimate rights and interests at sea; the position, role, and importance of seas, islands, and the ocean; marine and island resources and environment; effective allocation and management, minimizing conflicts in the exploitation and use of maritime space to achieve sustainable development goals in the maritime economy, society, environmental protection, marine conservation, scientific and technological development, defense, security, and effective international cooperation, gradually building Vietnam into a strong maritime nation, rich from the sea.

- From now until the end of June 2024, simultaneously organize Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and activities in response to World Oceans Day 2024 nationwide, with a focus on the following specific activities:

+ Organize activities to promote the purpose and significance of Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and World Oceans Day 2024 in a cost-effective, efficient, and creative manner; innovate communication methods and forms, utilizing technology and integrating various information channels, social networks, with an emphasis on practical activities that have a strong impact on community awareness.

+ Hold seminars, conferences, and discussions on sustainable management and utilization of maritime space; sustainable management, exploitation, and equitable and efficient use of marine and island resources; prevention and control of marine environmental pollution; preservation, maintenance, and restoration of marine and coastal biodiversity; conservation and promotion of natural and cultural heritage values related to the sea and islands; safe and sustainable exploitation of marine resources in compliance with environmental protection regulations; minimizing the impacts of natural disasters; effective response to climate change and sea-level rise; scientific research on the sea and islands to serve the sustainable management of maritime space, socio-economic development, defense, and security.

+ Launch campaigns and organize community participation activities such as beach cleaning campaigns, waste collection and disposal, and reducing plastic waste in the environment; discover and commend organizations, individuals, communities, and businesses that have made effective and practical contributions to the sustainable management of maritime space, rational use of resources, and protection of the marine and island environment.

+ Strengthen control over the collection, transportation, and disposal of waste, plastic waste along the coasts and on the islands; encourage research on the sea, islands, and environmentally friendly production and business activities; and organize the construction and handover of environmental protection projects for the benefit of coastal communities and on the islands.

+ Media agencies, press, radio, and television stations should focus on reporting, articles, documentaries, special features, and columns to promote the activities of Vietnam's Sea and Island Week and World Oceans Day 2024; enhance information and dissemination about Vietnam's seas and islands.


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