National steering body, command body of civil defense in Vietnam

What are the regulations on national steering body, command body of civil defense in Vietnam? - Van Dat (Thai Binh)

Regulations on commanding civil defense forces in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 33 of the Law on Civil Defense 2023, regulations on commanding civil defense forces are as follows:

- Command of civil defense forces of ministries, central departments, ministerial agencies, and local governments shall be decided by ministers, heads of central departments, heads of ministerial agencies, and Chairpersons of People’s Committees of all levels.

- Chairpersons of People’s Committees of communes shall command locally available forces and instruments to promptly respond to adverse events, catastrophes.

- Commanding of civil defense of different levels is regulated as below:

+ Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts shall command locally available forces and instruments to take measures of civil defense level 1 in accordance with Article 22 of the Law on Civil Defense 2023 and other measures under relevant law provisions;

+ Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces shall command locally available forces and instruments to take measures of civil defense level 2 in accordance with Article 23 of the Law on Civil Defense 2023 and other measures under relevant law provisions;

+ The Prime Minister shall command available forces and instruments of ministries, central departments, ministerial agencies, and local governments to take measures of civil defense level 3 under Article 24 of the Law on Civil Defense 2023 and other measures under relevant law provisions;

+ If response and recovery effort exceeds capability of locally available forces and instruments, Chairpersons of inferior People’s Committees must report to Chairpersons of superior People’s Committees; Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces must report to National Steering Committee for Civil Defense and the Prime Minister.

- Heads of local authorities, under command of People’s Committees of provinces and districts, shall command affiliated forces to implement civil defense in their respective fields as per the law.

- Minister of National Defense shall take charge and cooperate with ministers, heads of central departments, heads of ministerial agencies, Chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces shall command affiliated entities to implement civil defense in areas under management of the military and Vietnamese sea waters beyond management of People’s Committees of provinces.

- Heads of military and police units shall mobilize and command affiliated forces to participate, cooperate in civil defense operations as per the law.

National steering body, command body of civil defense in Vietnam

National steering body, command body of civil defense in Vietnam (Internet image) 

National steering body, command body of civil defense in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 34 of the Law on Civil Defense 2023, regulations on the national steering body, command body of civil defense in Vietnam are as follows:

- National Steering Committee for Civil Defense shall implement interdisciplinary cooperation and advise the Government, Prime Minister to organize, coordinate, and command civil defense operations. Reorganize National Steering Committee for Civil Defense, National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Preparedness and Control, and National Committee for Search and Rescue into National Steering Committee for Civil Defense.

- Ministry of National Defense shall act as standing body of National Steering Committee for Civil Defense. Members of National Steering Committee for Civil Defense are responsible for advising the Steering Committee in organization, coordination, and operation regarding civil defense within their field of operation as per the law.

- Command for civil defense shall be established in ministries, central departments, ministerial agencies, advise ministers, heads of central departments, heads of ministerial agencies in organizing, coordinating, and commanding civil defense within their fields of operation.

- Local command for civil defense shall be established in communes, districts, and provinces, advise Chairpersons of People’s Committees of the same levels in organizing, coordinating, and commanding local civil defense operations. Military authority of all levels shall act as standing body of command for civil defense of the same level. Members of local command for civil defense are responsible for taking charge and advising the local command in organizing, coordinating, commanding civil defense operations within their fields of operation.

- The Government shall elaborate foundation, functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structures of National Steering Committee for Civil Defense, command for civil defense of ministries, central departments, ministerial agencies, and local command for civil defense.

Mai Thanh Loi


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