List of working positions in the S&T field required reassignment in Vietnam

List of working positions in the S&T field required reassignment in Vietnam
Võ Ngọc Nhi

What are the regulations on reassignment in the field of science and technology in Vietnam? - Thu Phuong (An Giang, Vietnam)

Danh mục vị trí công tác lĩnh vực KH&CN phải thực hiện định kỳ chuyển đổi

List of working positions in the S&T field required reassignment in Vietnam (Internet image)

The Minister of Science and Technology of Vietnam promulgated Circular 20/2022/TT-BKHCN dated December 30, 2022 on regulations on the list and the period of periodic change of working positions in agencies, organizations, and units in the field of science and technology at local governments.

Specifically, the list of positions in the S&T field that must be periodically changed at the local government is prescribed as follows:

1. Principles and methods of reassignment in the field of science and technology in Vietnam

In Article 2 of Circular 20/2022/TT-BKHCN, the principles and methods of changing working positions are as follows:

The change of working position must ensure the principles and methods of transformation in accordance with the Anti-Corruption Law and Decree 59/2019/ND-CP which detail a number of articles and measures to implement the Anti-Corruption Law .

2. List of working positions in the S&T field required reassignment in Vietnam

In Article 3 of Circular 20/2022/TT-BKHCN stipulating the list of working positions in the field of science and technology subject to periodic conversion at local authorities as follows:

- Management of scientific and technological research tasks

+ Receiving and processing dossiers for identification, ordering, selection, direct delivery, assessment, and acceptance of scientific and technological tasks;

+ Receiving and process dossiers of appraisal of funding for scientific and technological tasks;

+ Inspecting and evaluating the implementation process and post-acceptance test of science and technology tasks funded with the state budget;

+ Appraisal and grant of certificates of registration of results of performing scientific and technological tasks.

- Appraisal and technology assessment of investment and technology transfer projects

+ Appraisal and assessment of investment project technology in accordance with the law;

+ Appraisal and grant of technology transfer registration certificates, grant of registration certificates for renewal, modification and supplementation of technology transfer contents.

- Radiation and nuclear safety operations

+ Managing and implementing the receipt of declarations, safety assessments, grant of permits, amendments, supplements, renewals, and re-issuance of permits to conduct radiation work using diagnostic X-ray equipment in medical;

+ Issuing a radiation worker certificate to the person in charge of safety at a medical diagnostic X-ray facility.

- Intellectual property activities

Appraisal for grant, re-grant and revocation of the Certificate of industrial property assessment organization in accordance with law.

- Standard operating quality measurement

+ Appraisal of dossiers for grant of certificates, certifications, and permits in the field of quality measurement standards as prescribed;

+ Appraisal and grant of certificates of registration of the field of activity for consideration and awarding of product and goods quality awards of organizations and individuals; Appraisal of registration documents to participate in the National Quality Award of organizations and enterprises to step the Prequalification Council.

- Assessing, granting, extending, amending, supplementing, revoking, and canceling the Certificate of registration of scientific and technological activities; Science and technology enterprise certificate. Appraisal of dossiers of establishment of science and technology organizations; issue operation certificates of representative offices and branches of science and technology organizations.

- Cooperation and exchange of science and technology with foreign elements.

3. Periodic time limit for reassignment in Vietnam

In Article 4 of Circular 20/2022/TT-BKHCN, the time limit for reassignment is stipulated as follows:

- The time limit for reassignment for civil servants and public employees who directly contact and handle jobs as prescribed in Article 3 of Circular 20/2022/TT-BKHCN is from 02 years to 05 years .

- The time to calculate the time limit for reassignment is the time when the competent authorities' documents on mobilization, arrangement and assignment of tasks are issued in accordance with law.


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