Latest regulations on formulation and organization of recue drills by police authorities in Vietnam

The regulations on formulation and organization of recue drills by police authorities in Vietnam are specified in Decree 83/2017/ND-CP amended by Decree 50/20204/ND-CP dated May 10, 2024.

Latest regulations on formulation and organization of recue drillsby police authorities in Vietnam

Latest regulations on formulation and organization of recue drills by police authorities in Vietnam (Internet image) 

1. Latest regulations on formulation and organization of recue drills by police authorities in Vietnam

According to Article 9 of Decree 83/2017/ND-CP (amended in Clause 1, Article 2 of Decree 50/20204/ND-CP), the regulations on formulation and organization of recue drills by police authorities in Vietnam are as follows:

- The rescue plans of police authorities must ensure the following basic requirements: specify the nature and characteristics of danger when emergencies, emergency situations occur and requirements related to rescue operations; construct some scenarios of potential incidents and accidents and their development; formulate a plan for mobilizing forces, vehicles of police authorities, technical measures, rescue tactics and rescue tasks suitable for each scenario of incident or accident. Rescue plans must be modified promptly in response to any changes in rescue operations.

- Heads of fire departments, heads of district-level police authorities shall organize formulation of police authority firefighting plans for potential incidents and accidents mentioned in clause 1 Article 5 of Decree No. 83/2017/ND-CP in localities under their fire management (using Form No. PC38) except for incidents and accidents occurring inside facilities in Appendix I issued with this Decree.

- Rescue plans of police authorities are managed at police authorities that directly formulate them. Regulatory bodies and organizations whose forces and equipment are involved in the plan may copy and disseminate content related to their tasks.

- Heads of fire departments, heads of district-level police authorities shall approve rescue plans of police authorities for scenarios of incidents and accidents in the localities under their management.

- Police authorities shall organize drills of their rescue plans according to the approved plan of the person competent to mobilize forces and means of regulatory bodies and organizations which are mobilized in the plan.

2. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Public Security in Vietnam

Article 40 of Decree 83/2017/ND-CP stipulates the esponsibilities of the Ministry of Public Security on rescue in Vietnam as follows:

- Propose issuing or issue legislative documents on organization of rescue operation of the fire department within their competence.

- Establish and organize the implementation of rescue strategies, plans and projects of the fire department nationwide.

- Provide instructions on organization and development of standing forces and part-time forces for rescue operation of the fire department and the people’s police force; organization and recruitment of professional officers in rescue in the people’s police force.

- Take charge and organize the rescue operation; provide guidance on development of human forces, equipment of vehicles, tools, clothing and standing organization that is ready for rescue tasks; establish and organize rescue drills of the fire department and other forces in the people’s police.

- Take charge and cooperate with ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies, localities and the press media in propagation and dissemination of knowledge about rescue.

- Formulate and organize the implementation of investment projects on rescue vehicles for the Fire safety and Rescue Police force; specify the lists, criteria and norms of vehicles, equipment and clothing for rescue operation of fire departments, specifications of signals, flags and bands used in rescue operation.

- Organize assignments of study and application of science and technology in rescue operations.

- Organize management information system, direct the rescue operation of the fire department and other forces in people’s police.

- Suggest the participation in international organizations, conclusion of national agreements on rescue operations to the Government; conduct the international operations relating to rescue within their competence.

- Provide guidance and urge the ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies and People’s Committees at the provinces to provide regular and irregular reports on rescue operations of the fire department; report the situation to the Government and competent regulatory agencies according to law provisions; organize preliminary, final reviews and propose commendation of rescue operations of the fire department.

- Take charge and cooperate with the ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies and People’s Committees at the provinces in organizing the inspection, examination and handling of violations of the regulations on assurance of safety and prevention of emergencies and emergency situations, conditions for rescue operation in accordance with the provisions of law.

- Specify rescue functions, tasks of the Fire and Rescue Polices of all level.

- Perform other tasks related to the rescue operations assigned by the Government.

To Quoc Trinh


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