Latest procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in Vietnam

Latest procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

The procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in Vietnam are guided in Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV.

Latest procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in Vietnam

Latest procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in Vietnam (Internet image) 

1. Latest procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in Vietnam

According to Article 16 of Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV, before June 30 of every year, central government authorities and provincial governments shall submit consolidated reports on public employee dossier management of regulatory bodies, organizations and units under their management to the Ministry of Home Affairs, which will submit a consolidated report to the Government and Prime Minister. Contents of and procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management are as follows:

- On an annual basis or at the request of public employee management authorities, management authorities shall inspect and assess public employee dossier management according to this Circular;

- Reports on public employee dossier quantity and quality and assessment of public employee dossier perusal for the purpose of public employee management shall include:

= Number of new dossiers (new job applications, including new dossiers formulated due to damage, loss or amendment), dossiers of public employees having been appointed, transferred per consideration or seconded or switched to a new job title and dossiers of public employees having become officials or switched to a new post;

= Number of dossiers of public employees having retired or terminated the employment contract or  deceased;

= Number of damaged or lost dossiers and applications for amendment to components of original dossiers.

- Reports on facilities and equipment for dossier management shall include:

= Dossier preservation and retention areas and locations;

= Area of dossier preservation and retention areas;

= Dossier preservation equipment;

- Propositions of solutions for improving efficiency of public employee dossier management and modernizing public employee dossier management.

2. Regulations on public employee dossier retention and preservation in Vietnam

Regulations on public employee dossier retention and preservation according to Article 15 of Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV are as follows:

* Steps of public employee dossier retention and preservation include:

- Formulate dossier books;

- Classify documents;

- Formulate document lists;

- Formulate dossier management sheets and write in the dossier registration book;

- Prepare dossier folders for perusal purpose.

* Requirements for public employee dossier retention:

- Organize the dossiers in alphabetical order or by body to which they belong to ensure ease of retrieval and perusal;

- Documents inside each public employee dossier must be organized into groups in chronological order to facilitate perusal and put into an envelope. A list of documents and dossier management sheet shall be included in the envelope;

- Information such as full name; aliases; hometown and dossier number (and employee ID (if any)) shall be written on the outside of the envelope to facilitate search and retention. Public employee dossiers shall also be retained and managed using computer systems;

- Ensure that the dossiers could be preserved easily without wrinkles, damage or loss.

* Public employee dossier retention procedures:

- Inspect and process to ensure that documents in dossier components are official, trustworthy and valid;

- Remove identical or unnecessary documents; retain only one copy of each document. Document removal requires permission from head of the management authority and must be recorded in writing. The record shall be added to the original dossier. Restore damaged documents or copy their contents and retain these contents together with the damaged documents;

- In case a document in dossier components needs to be disposed of, establish a council for disposal of document in public employee dossier. The head of the management authority has the power to decide establishment of the council. Upon disposal of a document in a public employee dossier, draw up a record of disposal, which shall include reason for disposal, management authority granting permission for disposal, list of documents to be disposed of, and disposal date and location, and add the record to the public employee dossier.

* Public employee dossiers shall be preserved in compliance with state confidentiality requirements as well as the following facilities and equipment requirements and regulations:

- Equipment for physical dossier preservation consists of cabinets, safe lockers containing confidential, secret and top secret documents; shelves; chairs, tables, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, vacuum cleaners, ventilation fans, fire alarm equipment, fire extinguishers; desiccants, anti-mold chemicals, anti-termite chemicals, woodworm treatment, anti-rodent chemicals, cockroach control chemicals, etc., which shall be used to ensure long-term dossier retention;

- On a monthly, quarterly or ad hoc basis, inspect state of dossiers and relevant matters, and clean and maintain preservation equipment;

- On an annual basis, perform a comprehensive inspection, spray anti-termite chemicals and woodworm treatment according to plan, and review and rearrange dossiers;

* Heads of management authorities shall take responsibility for preservation and management of public employee dossiers according to regulations of Article 15 of Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV.


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