Instructions on the organization and operations of military cells in communes, wards and towns in Vietnam

What are the instructions on the organization and operations of military cells in communes, wards and towns in Vietnam issued by Central Organizing Committee? - Tuan Nhan (Binh Phuoc)

Instructions on the organization and operations of military cells in communes, wards and towns in Vietnam

Instructions on the organization and operations of military cells in communes, wards and towns in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

Instructions on the organization and operations of military cells in communes, wards and towns in Vietnam

On September 20, 2023, the Central Organizing Committee issued Instruction 24-HD/BTCTW on the organization and operation of military cells in communes, wards, and towns in Vietnam, which guides the following specific contents:

1. The establishment of a commune military cell

Establishment of commune military branches to strengthen the Party's leadership over local defense and military tasks and improve the quality of grassroots militia forces contributing to meeting the requirements of the task of building an all-people national defense, an all-people national defense posture associated with an increasingly solid people's security posture.

The establishment of commune military cells must be closely combined with the construction, consolidation, and improvement of the quality of operations of the cells under the grassroots Party Committee of communes, wards, and towns (collectively referred to as the commune level). decided by the commune-level party committee.

2. Party membership structure

- Party member structure of the commune military cell, including: Secretary of the Party Committee; Chairman of the Commune People's Committee; Party members in the military command; mobile militia units; standing militia; and maritime militia (if any) (hereinafter collectively referred to as militia).

- At the commune military cell congress, the branch committee and deputy secretary of the cell will be elected; after the commune-level Party Congress or when there is a change in personnel of the Commune-level Party Secretary or Chairman of the Commune-level People's Committee, the commune-level Party Executive Committee shall appoint the Secretary of the Commune Party Committee to join the Party Committee and hold the position of Secretary of the Commune Military Party, and appoint the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee to join the Party Committee. (For commune military branches, there are 5 members).

3. Duties of the cell

- The leadership of the Commune Military Command well performs the functions of advising the Party Committee and the government on local defense and military tasks; building a strong, focused militia force; coordinating with the police force and other relevant local forces to protect political security, social order, and safety; and being ready to receive and complete all unexpected tasks assigned by party committees and authorities.

- Lead the work of political and ideological education, raising national defense awareness of the entire population in the commune military command and militia units;

Timely disseminate and thoroughly educate cadres and party members in the Party cell to firmly grasp and strictly comply with the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and local defense and military tasks;

Raise awareness of revolutionary vigilance and proactively fight to defeat the plots and activities of "Peaceful Evolution" by hostile and reactionary forces;

Prevent and repel the deterioration of political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, and manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" internally; Promote the fight against corruption, waste, and negativity;

Timely grasp the thoughts and aspirations of party members and the masses to resolve and report to higher competent authorities.

- Build a clean and strong party cell; improve the leadership capacity and fighting power of party committees, party cells, cadres, and party members; strictly implement the principles of democratic centralism, self-criticism, and criticism; innovate and improve the quality of Party cell activities; ensure the leadership, education, and fighting nature of Party Committees and cells; and meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation.

Educate and train party members to uphold their pioneering and exemplary role and perform well their assigned tasks; Party committees and party cells develop plans and measures to manage party members, assign tasks, and create conditions for party members to complete their tasks well. Carry out well the work of creating resources, developing party members, and protecting internal politics.

- Implement the regime of inspection and supervision of party members in the Party cell in compliance with the charter, resolutions, directives, regulations of the Party, policies, and laws of the State.

- Leaders in building strong youth unions in militia units (if any).

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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