Instructions for handling outbreaks of aquatic animal diseases in Vietnam

What are the instructions for handling outbreaks of aquatic animal diseases in Vietnam? - Hoang Anh (Tien Giang)

Instructions for handling outbreaks of aquatic animal diseases in Vietnam
Instructions for handling outbreaks of aquatic animal diseases in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

1. Instructions for handling of hotpots of epidemic of aquatic animals in Vietnam

According to Article 33 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015, regulations on handling of hotpots of epidemic of aquatic animals in Vietnam are as follows:

* Responsibilities of owners of aquaculture establishments:

- Do not discharge the untreated or unconformably treated waste water and waste matter to the environment;

- Do not dump the infected animals, animals suspected of infectious diseases or dead animals to the environment;

- Provide treatment, collect or treat the infected animals, animal suspected of infectious diseases or dead animals and take other measures according to the guidance of veterinary authorities;

- Report the epidemics of aquatic animals according to the regulations in clause 1 Article 19 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015; provide information about epidemics of aquatic animals at the request of veterinary authorities and veterinary staff of communes;

- Conduct the cleansing, decontamination, disinfection of raising environment, aquaculture tools according to the guidance of veterinary authorities;

- Treat and/or destroy aquatic animals to avoid the spread of epidemics;

- Facilitate the inspection of competent agencies.

* Responsibilities of veterinary staff of communes:

- Comply with the regulations in points a and c clause 8 Article 27 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015; provide guidance and monitor the implementation of measures prescribed in clause 1 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015;

- Reckon up and report the scale of aquaculture, the amount of animals; amount of aquatic animals being infected.

* Veterinary authorities shall conduct inspections, make reports and proposal for handling measures for hotspots of epidemics of aquatic animals specified in clauses 6 and 7 Article 27 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015.

* Responsibilities of People’s Committees of communes:

- Provide announcement promptly and exactly about the animal epidemic situations in local areas on the basis of the conclusions of regulatory bodies in charge of making diagnosis and testing for animal diseases on the List of animal diseases subject to outbreak declaration and according to the request of veterinary staff of communes;

- Supervise and issue warnings about animal epidemic zones;

- Propagate the prevention and fighting against animal epidemic in local areas; carry out the policies on subsidies for the prevention and fighting against the epidemic, elimination of the consequence of the epidemic and restoration of aquaculture in local areas;

- Direct the treatment, collection, handling or supervision of handling of infected animals; reckon up the aquaculture area, amount of infected animals; cleansing, decontamination, disinfection of environment in epidemic zones;

- Direct and organize the implementation of measures for prevention and fighting against animal diseases according to the direction of People’s Committees of districts;

- Request Presidents of People’s Committees of districts to decide the subsidies on expenditure, materials and resources in case the requirement for prevention and fighting against animal diseases exceeds the capability of local government;

- Report to the Presidents of People’s Committees of districts the results of the prevention and fighting against animal epidemic and results of the implementation of the policies on subsidies on the prevention and fighting against the epidemic.

* Responsibilities of People’s Committees of districts:

- Provide announcement promptly and exactly about the animal epidemic situations in local areas on the basis of the conclusions of regulatory bodies in charge of making diagnosis and testing for animal diseases on the List of animal diseases subject to outbreak declaration and according to the request of veterinary authorities of districts;

- Organize the prevention and handling of infected animals; cleansing, decontamination and disinfection of aquaculture environment according to the regulations for specific diseases;

- Guide the owners of aquaculture establishments, people who sell, purchase or transport aquatic animals to implement the veterinary hygiene measures to prevent the spread of animal diseases;

- Carry out the policies on subsidies for the prevention and fighting against the epidemic, elimination of the consequence of the epidemic and restoration of aquaculture in local areas;

- Organize the implementation of measures for prevention and fighting against animal diseases according to the direction of People’s Committees of provinces;

- Propagate and disseminate the measures for prevention and fighting against animal epidemics in local areas;

- Request Presidents of the People’s Committees of provinces to decide the subsidies on expenditure, materials and resources in case the requirement for prevention and fighting against animal diseases exceeds the capability of local government;

- Report to the Presidents of People’s Committees of provinces the results of the prevention and fighting against animal epidemic and results of the implementation of the policies on subsidies on the prevention and fighting against animal epidemics.

* Responsibilities of People’s Committees of provinces:

- Direct People’s Committees at all levels and relevant specialized divisions to handle epidemic hotspots;

- Allocate fundings for the handling of animal epidemic diseases, assisting the owners of aquaculture establishments having animals that are infected, dead or subject to compulsory destruction.

To Quoc Trinh


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