In which cases are students exempt from studying National Defense and Security Education in Vietnam?

In which cases are students exempt from studying National Defense and Security Education in Vietnam? - Nhat Quang (Hanoi)

Học sinh, sinh viên nào không cần học Giáo dục quốc phòng an ninh?

In which cases are students exempt from studying National Defense and Security Education in Vietnam? (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. In which cases are students exempt from studying National Defense and Security Education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Joint Circular 18/2015/TTLT-BGDDT-BLDTBXH, subjects who are exempted or postponed from studying the National Defense and Security Education subject include:

- Subjects exempted from studying the National Defense and Security Education subject:

+ Pupils and students with reserve officer certificates or diplomas issued by military and police schools;

+ Pupils and students have obtained a certificate of National Defense and Security Education corresponding to their training level;

+ Students are foreigners.

- Subjects who are exempt from studying and taking exams for modules and content in the National Defense and Security Education program include: pupils and students with certificates of study results for the modules whose content scores 5 points or more on a 10-point scale.

- Subjects exempted from studying and practicing military skills:

+ Pupils and students who are disabled and have a disability certificate according to the provisions of law on people with disabilities;

+ Students who are not physically healthy or have diseases that are exempt from military service according to current regulations;

+ Students who have completed military or people's police service.

- Subjects who are temporarily deferred from studying the National Defense and Security Education subject:

+ Students who, for health reasons, must stop studying for a long period of time for treatment must have a certificate from the hospital where they are treated;

+ Female students who are pregnant or on maternity leave according to current regulations.

- Directors and principals of educational institutions should consider suspending the course of the National Defense and Security Education subject for subjects stipulated in Points a and b, Clause 4, Article 4 of Joint Circular 18/2015/TTLT-BGDDT-BLDTBXH. At the end of the suspension period, educational institutions will arrange for students to take appropriate classes to complete the program.

2. Conditions and authority to issue certificates of National Defense and Security Education

Specifically, Article 10 of Joint Circular 18/2015/TTLT-BGDDT-BLDTBXH stipulates the conditions and authority to issue certificates of National Defense and Security Education as follows:

- Students with an overall average score of 5 points or more (on a 10-point scale) will be granted a certificate of National Defense and Security Education.

- Authority to issue certificates of National Defense and Security Education:

+ Directors and principals of educational establishments that organize the teaching and learning of National Defense and Security Education have the authority to issue certificates of National Defense and Security Education;

+ Director of the Center for National Defense and Security Education issues a certificate of National Defense and Security Education according to regulations on linking National Defense and Security Education.

- The printing, management, and issuance of National Defense and Security Education certificates comply with current regulations issued by competent state management agencies on vocational education and higher education.

3. Principles and requirements for teaching and learning National Defense Education in Vietnam

According to Article 3 of Joint Circular 18/2015/TTLT-BGDDT-BLDTBXH, principles and requirements for teaching and learning National Defense Education are as follows:

- Teaching and learning the subject of National Defense and Security Education must ensure comprehensiveness, focus, and focus in appropriate forms; combining theory and practice; between theory and practice;

In accordance with the training organization regulations of each level; being associated with educating a sense of discipline and collective spirit; teaching and learning the subject of National Defense and Security Education at educational establishments must be linked with practical education, practical skills, and extracurricular activities.

- Teachers and lecturers teaching National Defense and Security Education when teaching in lecture halls or on the sports field must wear National Defense and Security Education costumes according to regulations; teachers and lecturers who are military officers and police officers must wear uniforms according to the Army and People's Police Orders.

- Teachers, lecturers, administrators, pupils, and students teaching and learning the subject of National Defense and Security Education must properly and fully implement teaching and learning plans, rules, and regulations on ensuring the safety of people, weapons, and equipment.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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