Guidelines for handling school violence in Vietnam

School violence happens a lot in schools. Therefore, I would like to know about the ways to handle school violence in Vietnam.

Cách thức xử lý khi xảy ra bạo lực học đường

Guidelines for handling school violence in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this problem, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. What is school violence?

According to Clause 5, Article 2 of Decree 80/2017/ND-CP, school violence includes torture, abuse and beating; physical abuse; verbal abuse, dignity and honor violations; isolation and other actions that damage the physical and mental health of students at the educational institutions or in the independent classes.

2. Guidelines for handling school violence in Vietnam

Guidelines for handling school violence according to the provisions of Article 9 of Circular 38/2019/TT-BLDTBXH are as follows:

- Take steps to isolate and control the subjects who cause school violence in order to prevent them from causing further harm.

- Immediately contact and report the matter to competent authorities to handle it according to regulations. In case the case is beyond the ability of the vocational education institution to handle, it shall promptly notify the authorities or functional agencies for coordination in handling according to the provisions of law.

- Promptly assess the victim's level of harm. Immediately take measures to help and provide medical care to the victim. Monitor, evaluate, and implement practical support measures to ensure the victim's safety in the future.

- Timely notify the victim's family for coordinated handling.

- School violence includes torture, abuse and beating; physical abuse; verbal abuse, dignity and honor violations; isolation and other actions that damage the physical and mental health of students at the educational institutions or in the independent classes.

3. School violence prevention measures in Vietnam

According to Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree 80/2017/ND-CP, school violence prevention measures include:

- Disseminate the information about the dangers and consequences of school violence to students, managerial staff, teachers and employees in the educational institution in order to enhance their awareness of such problems; of the responsibility to detect, notify and report the violent behaviors; to carry out timely intervention and prevent violent behaviors in an appropriate manner.

- Educate and equip students, managerial staff, teachers and employees with knowledge and skills for preventing and responding to abuses, school violence and child abuse in the internet environment; educate and equip students with knowledge and skills for protecting themselves.

- Announce the plan for prevention and control of school violence and the communication means used for reporting violent behaviors.

- Carry out school inspection and supervision to collect and handle information about violent behaviors.

- Implement positive education methods without provoking violence.

4. Support upon detecting risk of school violence in Vietnam

Support upon detecting risk of school violence according to Article 8 of Circular 38/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating:

- Detect students at risk of school violence as soon as possible through management, monitoring, and information channels.

- Assess the level of risk and potential forms of violence in order to take specific preventive and supportive measures for students.

- Organize meetings; learn about and warn students about the risk of school violence that may occur. Advise on necessary measures so that students can prevent and avoid school violence.

- Closely coordinate with students' families and related organizations and agencies in supporting students and students at risk of school violence.

Vo Van Hieu


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