Guidelines for development of the economic-social development plan for 2025 on labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs in Vietnam

Guidelines for development of the economic-social development plan for 2025 on labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

Guidelines for Developing the Economic-Social Development Plan for 2025 in the Fields of Labor, People with Meritorious Services, and Social Affairs are regulated in Official Dispatch 2536/BLDTBXH-VKHTC dated 17/6/2024.

Guidelines for Developing the Economic-Social Development Plan for 2025 in the Fields of Labor, People with Meritorious Services, and Social Affairs

Guidelines for development of the economic-social development plan for 2025 on labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

On June 17, 2024, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 2536/BLDTBXH-VKHTC regarding the development of the Economic-Social Development Plan for 2025 on labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs in Vietnam.

Guidelines for Development the Economic-Social Development Plan for 2025 on labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs in Vietnam

The development of the Economic-Social Development Plan for 2025 on labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs in Vietnam is guided by the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs as follows:

(1) Requirements for the 2025 Plan

  • The 2025 Economic-Social Development Plan must be built on a complete and accurate assessment of the situation and results of implementing the objectives, targets, and tasks on labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs in Vietnam for the first six months of 2024 and the full year projection; forecast opportunities and challenges for areas under the ministry and sector's management to provide rationales for goals, tasks, and solutions for 2025.

2025 is particularly significant as it is the last year of implementing the 2021-2025 Five-Year Plan and is a year of organizing Party Congresses at all levels, moving towards the 14th National Party Congress amid a fast-changing, unpredictable global and domestic situation with intertwined opportunities, advantages, challenges, and risks affecting the construction and implementation of socio-economic development goals.

  • The 2025 Plan must align with the 2021-2030 Ten-Year Socio-Economic Development Strategy, the 2021-2025 Five-Year National Development Orientation, national, provincial and city plans, and local conditions, and must be consistent and align with the sector's 2021-2025 Five-Year Plan (Decision 1218/QD-LDTBXH dated 26/10/2021 of the Minister of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs).

  • The objectives of the 2025 Plan (general goals and specific targets) must focus on practical conditions to ensure the successful implementation of the 2021-2025 Five-Year Socio-Economic Development Plan and the 2021-2030 Socio-Economic Development Strategy; adhere to the Party's guidelines and policies, National Assembly's resolutions, Government's resolutions, and the Prime Minister's directives.

  • The 2025 Plan's main objectives, key tasks, and primary solutions must be innovative, forceful, effective, feasible, synchronized, and match the implementation capacity, tied to the potential mobilization and effective use of resources; promote self-reliance and resilience to create strong, substantive changes in socio-economic development, strive to successfully complete the tasks and objectives of the 2021-2025 Five-Year Plan.

  • Tasks and projects must be specific in terms of content, timeline, implementation progress, lead agency, and coordinating agencies...

  • Developing the 2025 Plan for the labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs must ensure synchronization, systemic coherence, and close coordination with agencies, units, sectors, and levels; ensure progress, timelines, and prescribed templates.

(2) Key Content of the 2025 Plan

  • Context for developing the Economic-Social Development Plan, including identification, analysis of opportunities, advantages, challenges, and risks in the domestic, regional, and international context impacting labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs; particularly noting issues such as the impact of military conflicts, escalating political instability in the Middle East; the Russia-Ukraine military conflict; job losses, layoffs, and reduced working hours of employees...

  • General and specific objectives for each field (including targets assigned by the National Assembly, Government; and sector management targets).

  • Orientation for key tasks and primary solutions (regarding institutional completion, policy and legislative development on labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs; labor market development, labor supply-demand connection, job creation, implementation of labor and employment policies and laws; vocational education development, improving quality and effective use of human resources, linking training with the labor market; developing the insurance system (social insurance, unemployment insurance, occupational accident insurance, occupational disease insurance); caring for people with meritorious services, the elderly, people with disabilities, and vulnerable groups; poverty reduction, national target programs implementation; promoting gender equality; ensuring child rights and preventing social vices; enhancing state management efficiency, administrative reform, inspection, and international cooperation).

Note, for fields with national target programs, programs, proposals, and projects, units must propose resources to ensure the ability to achieve the set objectives for 2025.

  • Organizing implementation.

  • Proposals and recommendations to the Government, Prime Minister, ministries, and central branches (if any).

(Detailed outline in Appendix 1; five-year goals for the 2021-2025 period in Appendix 2 attached with Official Dispatch 2536/BLDTBXH-VKHTC).

Along with the explanatory report, units, and localities are required to comprehensively aggregate data according to the templates in Appendix 3 and Appendix 4 attached to this official letter (units and localities should also refer to the guidelines of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Official Letter 4487/BKHĐT-TH dated 11/6/2023 mentioned above)

See more at Official Dispatch 2536/BLDTBXH-VKHTC dated 17/6/2024.


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