Forms and methods of road toll collection in Vietnam

What are the forms and methods of road toll collection in Vietnam? - Tuyet Van (Binh Dinh)

Forms and methods of road toll collection in Vietnam

Forms and methods of road toll collection in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet responded as follows:

1. Forms and methods of road toll collection in Vietnam

Specifically, ccording to Article 9 of Circular 45/2021/TT-BGTVT, forms and methods of road toll collection are as follows:

- There are two forms of road toll collection, electronic toll collection (ETC) and manual toll collection (MTC).

+ ETC is an automatic road toll collection form, road vehicles do not have to stop to pay the toll when passing through toll booths;

+ MTC is the form of road toll collection where road vehicles have to stop one time when passing through the lane control entrance of a toll booth to pay the road toll;

- There are two methods of road toll collection, open and closed methods.

+ An open method is a method where the vehicle owner has to pay a toll according to the type of vehicle at the toll booth instead of the distance traveled;

+ A closed method is a method where the vehicle owner has to pay a toll according to the type of the vehicle and the distance traveled on a road that is subject to road tolls at the toll booth. 

- Highway sections; consecutive highway sections; highways; consecutive highways are organized as a closed collection system.

- Mixed-used toll lane (applying both ETC and MTC) at a toll booth is arranged as per regulation prescribed in Points a, b Clause 3 Article 5 of Decision 19/2020/QD-TTg.

- Competent authorities shall decide the form and method of road toll collection in the study report on the feasibility of the investment project or the project on the utilization of assets and infrastructure of road traffic.

2. Regulations on management and organization of operations of toll booths in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 5 of Circular 45/2021/TT-BGTVT, management and organization of operations of toll booths is as follows:

- Regarding projects of construction and operation with public-private partnership methods, the infrastructure of toll booths and front-end systems are works that need to be constructed and completed before putting the project into operation

- Regarding projects of construction and operation using methods prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, in case competent authorities approve toll collection guidelines and infrastructure of toll booths implemented in the project, complete them before putting them into operation. 

The collection management unit shall propose investment methods to competent authorities

- Regarding projects in utilization stage: the collection management unit shall propose the collection method, funds, and methods of investment in the Front-end system to competent authorities for consideration of decisions.

3. Regulations on management and supervision of operations of toll booths in Vietnam

According to Article 13 of Circular 45/2021/TT-BGTVT stipulating management and supervision of operations of toll booths as follows:

- The collection management unit, collection operator, and collection service provider shall regularly inspect and supervise operations of toll booths to ensure they comply with regulations; provide the full information, data, figures, and documents at the request of competent authorities on issues related to the supervision, inspection, investigation, and handling of issues related to security and traffic safety during the utilization.

- Competent authorities are entitled to manage, inspect, and supervise operations of toll booths by the system of collection management and supervision or other professional methods and handle violations in operations of toll booths in accordance with the law or regulations of the contract.

- The system of collection management and supervision has the role and function of providing information that serves toll collection operations of toll booths as elaborated in Appendix 1 promulgated with Circular 45/2021/TT-BGTVT.

- Parties: The collection management unit, collection operator, and collection service provider shall cooperate in providing and updating information on the system of collection management and supervision at the request of competent authorities.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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