Expected to eliminate grading in lower secondary school diplomas in Vietnam

Is it expected that in the near future, grading will be removed from lower secondary school diplomas? - Lam Hoang (Khanh Hoa)

Expected to eliminate grading in secondary school diplomas in Vietnam

Expected to eliminate grading in lower secondary school diplomas in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Expected to eliminate grading in lower secondary school diplomas in Vietnam

According to current regulations, in Article 8 of the Regulations issued together with Decision 11/2006/QD-BGD&DT, graduation results of people studying at educational institutions are classified into 3 categories: excellent, good, and average based on behavior and academic performance;

If the student is in the category of not having their conduct classified, they will only be based on the results of their academic performance classification as follows:

- Excellent type: good conduct, excellent academic ability;

- Good category: good conduct or better, good academic performance or good conduct, excellent academic performance;

- Medium type: the remaining cases.

However, the proposed draft Circular on regulations for recognition of lower secondary school graduation will no longer have regulations on grading lower secondary school diplomas.

Graduation recognition is based on the student's training and learning results in the 9th grade year, as follows:

- Learners are recognized to have completed the General Education Program at the lower secondary level or the Continuing Education Program at the lower secondary level (hereinafter referred to as the Middle School Program) in the 9th grade according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Learners who have not been recognized for completing the Middle School Program in the 9th grade year because their academic results for the entire year of 9th grade are classified as Unsatisfactory (or their academic performance for the entire year is classified as weak or poor) can register with the educational institution where you attended grade 9 to test and re-evaluate the subjects and be recognized for completing the Middle School Program according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Learners who have not been recognized for completing the Middle School Program during the 9th grade year because their training results for the entire year of 9th grade are rated unsatisfactory (or their conduct for the entire year is rated as weak) can register for training during the summer vacation of that school year with the educational institution where you attended grade 9 to be re-evaluated and recognized for completing the Middle School Program according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- In the event that the learner does not register for training during the summer vacation of that school year with the educational institution where he/she attended grade 9, it must be confirmed by a competent authority that it has complied well with State policies and laws and local regulations as prescribed.

- Learners who have not been recognized for completing the Middle School Program due to missing more than 45 classes in the 9th grade year must register with the educational institution where they attended school to repeat grade 9 and be recognized for completing the Middle School Program according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

(Clause 2, Article 4 and Article 9 of the draft Circular on regulations for recognition of lower secondary school graduation)

2. Application for recognition of lower secondary school graduation in Vietnam

- For learners who are studying in the 9th grade at an educational institution in the year of consideration for graduation, the dossier for consideration of graduation recognition is the learner management dossier according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- For learners who are not subject to the provisions in Clause 1 of this Article, send the application for graduation recognition to the educational institution that organizes the recognition of junior high school graduation.
No later than 30 days before the graduation recognition date. Profile include:

+ Application for recognition of lower secondary school graduation.

+ Valid copy of the birth certificate or citizen identification card.

+ The student's original transcript or a printed electronic transcript certified by the educational institution where he attended grade 9.
If the learner loses the original transcript, the educational institution where the learner attended grade 9 is responsible for reviewing and confirming.

+ Certificate of compliance with State policies and laws and local regulations:

* For learners who have returned to reside in the locality, the People's Committee of the commune, ward, or town where they reside will be issued.

* For learners working at agencies or businesses, it will be issued directly by the agency or business.

(Article 5 of the draft Circular on regulations for recognition of lower secondary school graduation)

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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