Exam procedures for candidates of assessment of entrance quality for officials in Vietnam

Exam procedures for candidates of assessment of entrance quality for officials in Vietnam
Quốc Trình

The following article presents the exam procedures for candidates of assessment of entrance quality for officials in accordance with current legal regulations.in Vietnam

Application  Procedures  for  Official  Entrance  Quality  Assessment  Candidates

Exam procedures for candidates of assessment of entrance quality for officials in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

1. Preparation of organization of the assessment of entrance quality for officials in Vietnam

According to Article 29 of the Regulations and Rules issued with Circular 17/2023/TT-BNV on the preparation of organization of the assessment of entrance quality for officials in Vietnam:

- No later than 15 working days before the assessment date, the Assessment Council is responsible for sending a notice summoning the candidates for the exam. The summoning notice must clearly state the time and place for completing the exam procedures; the time and place of the examination and other related content.

- Within 07 working days before the assessment date, the Council's Secretary must complete the following preparatory work for the examination:

+ List of candidates to be called into the exam room; various minutes, serving the assessment work.

+ Badges of the Assessment Council members, Supervisory Board, and committees assisting the Assessment Council. Badges of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Council members, Head of the Supervisory Board, Deputy Head of the Supervisory Board, members of the Supervisory Board, Head of the Examination Committee, Deputy Head of the Examination Committee, Head of Examination Site, and Deputy Head of Examination Site must include full names and titles. Badges of other members must only include the title.

+ Facilities for organizing computer-based exams and office supplies to serve the examination.

- Within 03 working days before the assessment date, the Assessment Council is responsible for posting the list of candidates by exam number, exam room, layout of the exam rooms, regulations, format, and exam time at the examination site.

2. Exam procedures for candidates of assessment of entrance quality for officials in Vietnam

According to Article 31 of the Regulations and Rules issued with Circular 17/2023/TT-BNV regulating the exam procedures for candidates of assessment of entrance quality for officials in Vietnam:

- One day before the official exam date, the Secretariat of the Assessment Council will organize the guidance for candidates on the application procedures to check the legality and accuracy of candidate information in the exam list and resolve candidate queries.

- During the application procedures for candidates, the Secretariat of the Assessment Council must: fully perform all steps in the guidance; check and verify the candidates' identity, guide on procedures for requesting information corrections, and familiarize candidates with the exam software (if any).

- Personal belongings of candidates (if any) not in the list of items allowed in the exam room must be kept at least 25 meters away from the exam room.

- The Examining Committee can use metal detectors and communication devices to check security before candidates enter the exam area.

- In cases of arising situations not within their decision-making authority, the Head of the Examination Site must consult with the Head of the Examination Committee before executing.

3. Exam Supervision Procedures for assessment of entrance quality for officials in Vietnam

- The exam supervision procedures include the following steps:

+ Check the examination site's status before the exam time.

+ Activate the examination system at the site; input the exam data and question and answer data.

+ Call candidates into the exam room, complete the exam procedures for candidates, and disseminate the regulations, rules, and necessary information candidates need to know and follow.

+ Manage candidates' exam taking; handle any issues with the exam system or candidate violations (if any).

+ Conclude the exam session (extract data, compile the site reports, and handover).

- The content of the steps in the exam supervision procedures is specifically defined in the Guidance for Organizing the Exam by the Assessment Council.

- Responsibilities for performing the exam supervision procedures:

+ The Examining Committee is responsible for checking, guiding the examination site activities during the supervision process.

+ The Head of the Examination Site is responsible for assigning and directing the supervision activities of the examination site.

+ The proctors and computer technicians are responsible for performing the assigned and guided supervision activities by the Head of the Examination Site.

(Article 34 of the Regulations and Rules issued with Circular 17/2023/TT-BNV)


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