Duties and powers of the immediate upper level trade union in Vietnam

Which agency has the authority to establish immediate upper level trade union in Vietnam? What are the duties and powers of the immediate upper level trade union in Vietnam? – Mai Huong (Phu Yen, Vietnam)

Nhiệm vụ và quyền hạn của công đoàn cấp trên trực tiếp
Duties and powers of the immediate upper level trade union in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Authority to establish immediate upper level trade union in Vietnam

The immediate upper level trade union at grassroots level are organized by administrative units, sectors, professions, corporations, and economic groups and are established or dissolved by the provincial or municipal labor union or the central branch trade union under the guidance of the Presidium of the General Confederation.

(Clause 1, Article 17 of the Charter of the Vietnam Trade Union promulgated together with Decision 174/QD-TLD)

2. Objects of gathering of the grassroots immediate upper level trade union in Vietnam

The objects of collection of the immediate upper level trade union at the grassroots include:

- The district-level Labor Confederation shall gather employees according to the district-level administrative boundaries, except for those gathered by the superior trade unions mentioned at Points b, c, d, and dd, Clause 2, of this Article.

- The local trade union gathers workers in the labor-employment units by industry in the province or city.

- Trade unions of industrial parks gather workers in industrial parks, export processing zones, economic zones, and high-tech zones.

- Trade unions of corporations and economic groups, gathering employees in member enterprises of corporations and economic groups.

- Other immediate upper level trade union gather employees according to employers' units with affiliated agencies and units, such as national universities, regional universities, general departments, and ministerial agencies; ministerial-level agencies, branches, central-level mass organizations...

(Clause 2, Article 17 of the Charter of Vietnam Trade Union promulgated together with Decision 174/QD-TLD)

3. Duties and powers of the immediate upper level trade union in Vietnam

The grassroots immediate upper level trade union has the following main duties and powers:

- Represent, care for, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees in accordance with the law.

- Guide and support the executive committee of grassroots trade unions and grassroots trade unions in professional skills, skills, methods, and contents of organizing the performance of tasks, guidelines, and resolutions of the trade union; propagate and mobilize union members and employees to implement the Party's guidelines and guidelines, the State's policies and laws, and the obligations of citizens and employees.

- Guide and support grassroots trade unions or represent union members and employees in organizing dialogues and collective bargaining in accordance with law.

- Direct the development and management of union members, establishing grassroots trade unions and grassroots trade unions; mobilizing and supporting the establishment of grassroots trade unions and grassroots trade unions; providing skills and professional training for grassroots trade union officials and grassroots trade union officials; evaluating and ranking trade union organizations annually.

- Organize patriotic emulation movements among union members and workers; join with authorities, experts at the same level to develop solutions for socio-economic development in localities, units, and enterprises; participate in building a clean and strong Party and people's government.

- Actively or in collaboration with state management agencies, inspect, inspect, and supervise the implementation of regimes and policies for employees; participate in the settlement of complaints, denunciations, and labor disputes.

- Develop and organize the implementation of regulations on coordination among superior trade unions in directing the activities of grassroots trade unions.

- Manage and use trade union finance and assets in accordance with State law.

- Comply with the information and reporting regime as prescribed.

- Perform other duties and powers.

(Article 18 Charter of Vietnam Trade Union promulgated together with Decision 174/QD-TLD)

Diem My


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