Duties and powers of the Department of Education and Training in Vietnam

Duties and powers of the Department of Education and Training in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the duties and powers of the Department of Education and Training in Vietnam? – Thuy Tien (Hanoi)

Duties and powers of the Department of Education and Training in Vietnam

Duties and powers of the Department of Education and Training in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Position and functions of the Department of Education and Training in Vietnam

The position and functions of the Department of Education and Training are specified in Article 1 of Circular 12/2020/TT-BGDDT as follows:

- The Department of Education and Training is a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee, performing the function of advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in the state management of education and training in the locality according to the provisions of the law and performing tasks and powers as decentralized and authorized by the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

- The Department of Education and Training has legal status and its own seal and account according to the provisions of law; It is subject to the direction and management of the organization, employment positions, staffing, and work of the Provincial People's Committee, and at the same time, to the direction, guidance, inspection of expertise, and other regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

2. Duties and powers of the Department of Education and Training in Vietnam

The Department of Education and Training performs the tasks and powers specified in Article 12 of Decree 127/2018/ND-CP, Decree 46/2017/ND-CP, Decree 135/2018/ND-CP; Decree 86/2018/ND-CP, relevant legal provisions, and the implementation of the following tasks and powers:

- Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies to submit to the Provincial People's Committee:

+ Promulgate guiding documents and organize the implementation of legal documents on education; plan to integrate the content of the network of educational and training facilities into provincial planning according to the Planning Law and related regulations; education development plan in the area; plans, programs, and projects to develop high school education in the area; implementation plan for the project to innovate general education programs and textbooks assigned within the province; legal documents on education according to authority;

+ Document approving the establishment and permitting the establishment; merger, division, separation, dissolution of higher education institutions, branches of higher education institutions; Pedagogical colleges, branches of pedagogical colleges in the area;

+ Approve the project to arrange and reorganize public educational institutions under the scope of management in accordance with local realities;

+ Approve the plan for the establishment, reorganization, and dissolution of specialized departments under the Department of Education and Training according to regulations;

- Coordinate with the Department of Home Affairs to synthesize the annual number of people working in public educational institutions in the plan for the number of people working in public service units of the province and submit it to the competent authority for approval.

- Preside and coordinate with relevant units to organize or decentralize the recruitment, use, training, and fostering of teachers, educational managers, and staff in public educational establishments under the Department of Education and Training according to the provisions of law.

- Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies to perform the state management function on education of the Provincial People's Committee for university establishments; pedagogical colleges, pedagogical intermediate schools, and provincial continuing education centers according to the Government's decentralization.

- Professional and professional guidance for the Department of Education and Training and people with education monitoring positions under the People's Committees of communes, wards, and towns.

- Manage teaching and educational activities in school and outside school; Direct the implementation of moral education, lifestyle, and school safety activities; Organize the implementation of plans to implement the Project on reforming general education programs and textbooks; Implement and direct the implementation of educational communication work in the area.

- Participate in the actual appraisal of the establishment project, allowing the establishment of higher education institutions and branches of higher education institutions in the area.

- Regularly update information about the team of teachers and educational administrators under their management in the education industry database. Fully and promptly implement the annual and irregular reporting regime on statistics and publicity in the local education sector under the management scope of the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Education and Training according to regulations.

(Article 2 of Circular 12/2020/TT-BGDDT)


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