Current regulations on principles for the management, protection, and promotion of the value of intangible cultural heritage in Vietnam

Current regulations on principles for the management, protection, and promotion of the value of intangible cultural heritage in Vietnam
Anh Hào

Below are the current regulations on principles for the management, protection, and promotion of the value of intangible cultural heritage in Vietnam

Regulations  on  principles  in  the  management,  protection,  and  promotion  of  the  value  of  intangible  cultural  heritage  today

Current regulations on principles for the management, protection, and promotion of the value of intangible cultural heritage in Vietnam (Image from the internet)

Current regulations on principles for the management, protection, and promotion of the value of intangible cultural heritage in Vietnam

According to Clause 2, Article 4 of Decree 39/2024/ND-CP, the current principles for the management, protection, and promotion of the value of intangible cultural heritage in Vietnam are prescribed as follows:

(1) Ensure the rights and principles of practicing the intangible cultural heritage of the main community subjects;

(2) Ensure that intangible cultural heritage practices direct people and communities towards good cultural values; preserve identity; aim for comprehensive social development; ensure community and societal safety; protect the environment;

(3) Ensure respect for cultural diversity, the role of the main community subjects, and the specific characteristics of ethnicity and regions. The intangible cultural heritage of different communities is equally respected;

(4) Ensure respect for the rights of the main community subjects in deciding the elements that need to be protected and promoted and the forms and levels of protection and promotion required;

(5) Prioritize the protection of intangible cultural heritage at risk of disappearing, the heritage of ethnic communities living in mountainous, remote, border, and island areas, and groups facing difficulties or specific characteristics, heritage of communal and societal value;

(6) Prioritize the decision-making rights of the main community subjects for the long-term, continuous practice of the heritage, in accordance with the meaning and function of the heritage, and in line with Vietnamese cultural heritage laws and international documents that Vietnam is a member of.

Principles in the practice of intangible cultural heritage according to regulations in Vietnam

The practice of intangible cultural heritage is an activity that expresses the cultural expressions of the community, groups, and individual subjects to maintain the vitality, ensure continuity, content, practice process, constituent elements, principles, natural essence, and value of the type of intangible cultural heritage.

Those who practice intangible cultural heritage are members of the cultural heritage community, actively recreating, transmitting, conveying, creating, and shaping culture in the community and for the benefit of the community, by carrying out and maintaining social practices based on knowledge and specialized skills. (Clauses 6 and 8, Article 3 Decree 39/2024/ND-CP)

Principles in the practice of intangible cultural heritage include:

- The main community subjects must ensure continuous maintenance of the intangible cultural heritage practice according to the value, essence, and function of the heritage; reduce the risk of disappearance;

- Ensure the preservation of the heritage's value with related forms, understandings, skills, techniques, and practice spaces; do not introduce inappropriate elements into the heritage;

- Ensure comprehensive coverage of the practice process, content, activities, constituent elements of the heritage with the participation of the main community subjects in practicing the heritage;

- Do not disseminate and practice the heritage content inaccurately;

- Do not exploit the practice of the heritage and its titles for profiteering or activities against the law;

- Ensure respect and protection of religious, belief, custom values, the sacred nature of rituals, and practice spaces of the intangible cultural heritage.

(Clause 1, Article 4 Decree 39/2024/ND-CP)


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