Criteria applied for natural forests, planted forests, reserve forests, protection forests and production forests in Vietnam

Criteria applied for natural forests, planted forests, reserve forests, protection forests and production forests in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

What are the criteria applied for natural forests, planted forests, reserve forests, protection forests and production forests in Vietnam? - Kim Anh (Ben Tre)

Criteria applied for natural forests, planted forests, reserve forests, protection forests and production forests in Vietnam
Criteria applied for natural forests, planted forests, reserve forests, protection forests and production forests in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet responded as follows:

1. Criteria applied for natural forests in Vietnam

According to Article 4 of Decree 156/2018/ND-CP, natural forests are primeval forests and secondary forests that satisfy the following requirements:

- The canopy of timbers, bamboos and family palmae (hereinafter referred to as “forest trees”) which are main components of the natural forest is at least 0.1.

- The inter-regional area is at least 0.3 ha.

- Average height of main forest trees shall be classified based upon geographical conditions as follows:

+ For natural forests on hills and plains: at least 5 m;

+ For freshwater swamp natural forests: at least 2.0 m;

+ Natural forests on land inundated by acid sulfate: at least 1.5 m

+ Natural forests on rock mountains, sandy land, salt marshes and other forests growing under special ecological conditions: at least 1.0 m

2. Criteria applied for planted forests in Vietnam

According to Article 5 of Decree 156/2018/ND-CP, planted forests include new forests planted on non-forested lands, forests re-planted after exploitation or due to other causes, forests developed from extremely poor natural forests and planted forests reproduced after forest exploitation, which satisfy the following criteria:

- The canopy of forest trees is at least 0.1.

- The inter-regional area is at least 0.3 ha.

- Average height of forest trees shall be classified based upon geographical conditions as follows:

+ For planted forests on hills, mountain soils, deltas and salt marshes: at least 5 m.

+ For planted forests on mountain rocks integrated with soils and freshwater swamp planted forests: at least 2 m;

+ For planted forests on sandy land and salt marshes: at least 1 m.

3. Criteria applied for reserve forests in Vietnam

Criteria applied for reserve forests according to Article 6 of Decree 156/2018/ND-CP are as follows:

- National parks satisfying the following criteria:

+ Have at least 1 natural ecosystem featuring one region, the nation or international country or at least 1 endemic species of Vietnam or more than 5 species on the list of endangered and rare forest animals and forest plants;

+ Have special significance to science and education, landscape and unique feature of the nature and values to ecotourism, hospitality and entertainment services;

+ Have the inter-regional area of at least 7,000 ha, 70%of which is forest ecosystem.

- Natural reserves satisfying the following criteria:

+ Have a natural ecosystem that is nationally or internationally significant or features or represents a natural ecoregion;

+ House at least 5 species on the list of endangered and rare forest animals and forest plants;

+ Have a special significance to science, education or ecotourism, hospitality and entertainment services;

+ Have inter-regional area of at least 5,000 ha, 90%of which is forest ecosystem.

- Species and habitat reserves satisfying the following criteria:

+ House at least 1 endemic species or 1 species on the list of endangered and rare forest animals and forest plants on a regular or seasonal basis;

+ Ensure feed, living and reproducing conditions for sustainable conservation of endemic species or species on the list of endangered and rare forest animals and forest plants;

+ Have a special significance to science and education;

+ Have inter-regional area meeting requirements for sustainable conservation of species on the list of endangered and rare forest animals and forest plants.

- Landscape protection areas including:

+ Forests used for preservation of historical and cultural heritage and landscape that has environmental scenery or unique feature of nature; historical and cultural heritage or landscape graded by the competent regulatory agency or subjects on the list of heritage stocktaking as per provisions of the law on culture; and has a value to science, education, ecotourism, hospitality and entertainment services;

+ Holy forests that has environmental scenery or unique feature of nature and is associated with beliefs and customs of the forest-dependent community;

+ Forests protecting environment of urban areas, industrial zones, export-processing zones, economy zones and hi-tech zones that protect environment and landscape and are planned associated with urban areas, industrial zones, export-processing zones, economy zones and hi-tech zones.

- Forests used for scientific research and experiment purpose satisfying the following criteria:

+ Have e ecosystem that meet requirements for scientific research and experiments by science and technology organizations or vocational training institutions performing forestry-related scientific research and experiments;

+ Have forest area satisfying objectives and requirements of scientific research and experiments, technological development and sustainable forestry education.

- National botanic gardens

Forests used for reserve and collection of Vietnamese and world plants serving research, sightseeing and education purpose which have at least 500 species of timbers and area of 50 ha and more.

- National forest nurseries that:

+ are forests of converted or planted varieties of plants on the list of main plant varieties for forestry;

+ satisfy national standards for planted forests and have an area of at least 30 ha.

4. Criteria applied for protection forests in Vietnam

Criteria applied for protection forests according to Article 7 of Decree 156/2018/ND-CP are as follows:

- Headwater protection forests are forests in the basin of rivers or reservoirs that satisfy the following criteria:

+ In terms of topography: hilly and rocky area with at least 15 degrees slope;

+ In terms of precipitation: the average annual precipitation is at least 2,000 mm or at least 1,000 mm for precipitation concentrated in 2 to 3 months;

+ In terms of soil texture and soil density: sandy soil or medium sandy loam of density of less than 70 cm of less than 30 cm for fine or medium loam.

- Forests used for protection of water sources of the community

Forests providing daily water for production by forest-dependent community which are associated with customs and traditions of the community and are protected and used by such community.

- Bordering protection forests

Protection forests in bordering areas associated with mandatory regions for national defense and security formed under the request of border management authorities.

- Wind/sand shielding protection forests satisfying the following criteria:

+ Coastal wind/sand shielding protection forests stretch at least 300 m or 200 m measured from the annual highest sea level to the mainland for eroded seashore and uneroded seashore, respectively;

+ Wind/sand shielding protection forests behind the protection forests specified in Point a this Clause stretch at least 40 m in case of the sandy region of least 100-ha area or active sand dune or sand area of slope of at least 15 degrees. The width of each forest stretch is at least 30 m in case of sand area of less than 100 ha or inactive sand area or sand area of 15 -degree slope

- Protection forests for tide shielding or sea encroachment prevention satisfying the following criteria:

+ The width of forest stretch is from 300 to 1000 m according to each ecosystem in case of coastal aggradations or coastal stability;

+ The minimum width of forest stretch is 150 m in case of coastal erosion;

+ The width of forest stretch is at least 20 m measured from the dike footing with at least 2 stretches of forest trees for river mouth;

+ The width of forest stretch is at least 100 m (dike available) and 250 m (without dike) for coastal lagoon.

5. Criteria applied for production forests in Vietnam

According to Article 8 of Decree 156/2018/ND-CP, forests satisfying criteria applied for natural forests and planted forests specified in Article 4 and 5 of Decree 156/2018/ND-CP but not criteria for reserve forests and protection forests prescribed in Article 6 and 7 of Decree 156/2018/ND-CP.


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