Content of the Scheme for promoting exemplary advanced models in Vietnam for the period 2022-2025

Content of the Scheme for promoting exemplary advanced models in Vietnam for the period 2022-2025
Duong Chau Thanh

Below is the content of the Scheme for promoting exemplary advanced models in Vietnam for the period 2022-2025

Nội    dung    Đề    án    Tuyên    truyền    gương    điển    hình    tiên    tiến    giai    đoạn    2022-2025

Content of the Scheme for promoting advanced exemplary models in Vietnam for the period 2022-2025 (Internet image)

Content of the Scheme for promoting advanced exemplary models in Vietnam for the period 2022-2025

The Scheme for promoting advanced exemplary models in Vietnam for the period 2022-2025 was approved by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam in Decision 1526/QD-TTg in 2022.

The scheme outlines several key tasks and solutions as follows:

(1) Enhance awareness, responsibility, and strengthen the directives of various levels and sectors on the work of discovering, nurturing, promoting, and widely replicating exemplary models.

- Party committees, authorities, and heads of party committees and authorities at all levels shall directly lead, direct, and be responsible for the quality, effectiveness of the emulation and commendation work, and the work of promoting and replicating exemplary models in compliance with Directive 34-CT/TW dated April 7, 2014, by the Politburo on continuing to innovate the emulation and commendation work.

- The Vietnam Fatherland Front and related mass organizations should strengthen the mobilization and education of their members to deeply understand the position, role, and importance of patriotic emulation and the work of discovering, nurturing, summarizing, and propagating exemplary models. Develop programs, plans, and set specific contents, goals, and criteria to effectively organize emulation movements and promote exemplary models.

- Emulation and commendation agencies at all levels must actively cooperate with propaganda, information, communication agencies, and the press to effectively carry out the discovery and promotion of exemplary models, raising awareness among the population about the role and significance of emulation movements and exemplary propaganda.

(2) Proactively and actively identify, construct, and foster exemplary models in various fields of life

* Ministries, central authorities, and local authorities, agencies, and units shall proactively establish specific standards for exemplary collectives and individuals relevant to their sectors, fields, and actual conditions of their agencies, localities, and units.

- Exemplary Models

Exemplary models are collectives, individuals, or households with outstanding achievements in labor, production, business, learning, work, training, readiness for combat, combat, and combat service. They are leading figures in emulation movements and examples of good people and good deeds in social life.

- General criteria for exemplary collectives and individuals:

+ Serve as a model, fully complying with the policies and directives of the Communist Party, and the policies and laws of the State;

+ Complete the assigned tasks excellently;

+ Possess new models, effective ways, many initiatives, creative solutions that bring practical effects and are prominent factors leading in the emulation movements organized by ministries, central authorities, local authorities, agencies, and units;

+ Exhibit a spirit of solidarity and support for everyone to advance; actively participate in humanitarian, charitable, and other social activities to effectively perform social welfare work, contributing positively to the construction of socialism and national defense.

- Based on the general criteria for exemplary collectives and individuals, ministries, central authorities, and local authorities shall develop regulations concerning the subjects and standards for exemplary models within their agencies, units, and localities. Specifically:

+ In the field of party building, government, and mass organizations: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in building and developing the Communist Party, government, and mass organizations; individuals who dare to think, dare to act, dare to take responsibility, have a spirit of fighting against corruption, negativity, and are role models in studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and style.

+ In the field of defense and security: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in training, combat readiness, building strong comprehensive units "exemplary, typical," participating in disaster and disease prevention; fighting against crime and social evils, maintaining political security, and social order and safety.

+ In the fields of industry, commerce, construction, and transportation: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in ensuring the circulation of goods and exports; developing e-commerce, strengthening market management..., promoting initiatives, technical improvements, practicing thrift, anti-wastefulness, and applying science and technology.

+ In the field of agriculture: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in clean agriculture, organic agriculture, circular, ecological agriculture, and building new countryside.

+ In the field of finance and banking: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in modernizing banking technology, developing brands, products, services; state budget collection...

+ In the field of healthcare: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models with strong expertise combined with good medical ethics in all areas of the healthcare sector to contribute to improving the physical and spiritual health, stature, lifespan, and quality of life of Vietnamese people; building a fair, quality, efficient healthcare system integrated with the international community.

+ In the field of education and training: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in improving the quality, efficiency of education, training, teaching, learning, and developing comprehensive education.

+ In the field of science and technology: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in promoting national science and technology potential, encouraging innovation, creative activities; harnessing collective human, intellectual capacity.

+ In the fields of culture, arts, sports: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in spreading and honoring true, good, and beautiful values, making culture truly an internal strength for the development of local and national socio-economic development.

+ In the field of foreign affairs: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models with creative approaches, innovative thinking, creating strong shifts in international cooperation in economics, science and technology, education, labor, people-to-people exchanges, combating climate change..., embedding development goals into foreign affairs duties.

+ In the fields of information and communication: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in information technology application, digital transformation, digital technology industry, ensuring cybersecurity, building a digital economy and society; and exemplary models in the fields of journalism and communication.

+ In the field of administrative reform: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in implementing administrative reform programs to contribute to building a democratic, professional, modern, streamlined, effective, and efficient administration capable of fostering development, integrity, and serving the people.

+ In the field of social welfare: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models in poverty reduction, ensuring social welfare, humanitarian charity, ensuring a close, harmonious connection between economic development and improving people's material and spiritual life.

+ In social life: focus on identifying and fostering exemplary models among the people, especially those directly involved in labor, production, being role models in cultural life, actively participating in environmental protection, and disaster and disease prevention.

* Identifying, constructing, and fostering exemplary models

Ministries, central authorities, and local authorities shall organize emulation movements to ensure practicality, effectiveness, focusing on local, unit's key, urgent objectives and tasks, and the goals and tasks outlined by the Communist Party XIII Congress and the congresses at various levels. Through these emulation movements, exemplary models shall be identified.

+ For grassroots exemplary models: Based on the identification of new factors that need nurturing to become exemplary models, agencies, and units shall create all necessary material and spiritual conditions to support new factors to fully promote potential, creativity, while concurrently addressing existing shortcomings, limitations to be gradually perfected, nurtured, developed, and become spreading examples within ministries, central authorities, local authorities.

+ For exemplary models recognized and honored by ministries, central authorities, and local authorities, agencies, and units shall continue to observe, create favorable environments, directly support them technically and with awards to enable their continuous promotion of potential and creativity. At the same time, they should encourage, motivate, and create conditions for these models to continuously strive to become the nation's outstanding exemplary models.

(3) Innovate content, form, and method of disseminating and promoting exemplary models, ensuring objectivity, truthfulness, and avoiding exaggeration, and inflation of achievements…

(4) Ministries, central authorities, and local authorities in Vietnam should strengthen the discovery for outstanding exemplary models' commendation and submit them to higher authorities for timely commendation. Focus on praising and awarding sudden achievements, thematic commendation, especially for collectives and individuals identified through patriotic emulation movements.

(5) Strengthen inspection and supervision of the construction and expansion of exemplary models by ministries, central authorities, and local authorities, agencies, and units.

(6) Enhance the quality of staff involved in emulation, commendation, and communication work…

For detailed information about (3), (5), (6), please refer to Decision 1526/QD-TTg in 2022.


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