Cases of annulment of recognition results of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam

Cases of annulment of recognition results of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam
Quốc Trình

The content of the article presents current regulations on cases of annulment of recognition results of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam

In  what  cases  is  the  recognition  result  of  a  foreign-issued  diploma  annulled

Cases of annulment of recognition results of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

1. Conditions for recognition of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam

Under Article 4 of Circular 13/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulating the conditions for recognition of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam:

- Degrees issued by foreign educational institutions to learners are recognized when the educational program has a study and research duration suitable with the Vietnamese National Education System Framework and meets one of the following conditions:

+ The educational program is accredited by the educational quality accreditation organization of the country where the foreign educational institution is headquartered corresponding to the form of training;

+ The foreign educational institution is permitted by the competent educational authority of the country where it is headquartered to conduct training, grant degrees, or has been accredited by the educational quality accreditation organization of that country.

- Degrees issued by foreign educational institutions operating in other countries where the institution is not headquartered (including Vietnam) are recognized when the institution is permitted by the competent educational authorities of both countries to establish branches, conduct training, or approve cooperative training; and complies with the provisions at Clause 1, Article 4 of Circular 13/2021/TT-BGDDT.

- Degrees issued by foreign educational institutions to learners in the form of online training, direct training combined with online, are recognized when they meet the provisions at Point a, Clause 1, Article 4 of Circular 13/2021/TT-BGDDT and one of the following conditions:

+ The training program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Training to be conducted in Vietnam when learners reside and study in Vietnam;

+ The training program is licensed by the competent educational authority of the country where the training is conducted when learners reside and study in that country.

- The recognition of degrees issued by foreign educational institutions to learners affected by war, natural disasters, pandemics, fires, and other force majeure cases is decided by the Minister of Education and Training.

2. Competence in recognition of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam

Competence in recognition of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam is as follow

- The head of the Department of Quality Management under the Ministry of Education and Training recognizes bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, doctorate degrees, and equivalent degrees.

- The head of the Department of Education and Training recognizes lower secondary graduation certificates, upper secondary graduation certificates, and certificates of completion of general education programs.

(According to Article 6 of Circular 13/2021/TT-BGDDT)

3. Cases of annulment of recognition results of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam

Under Article 8 of Circular 13/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulating the cases of annulment of recognition results of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions in Vietnam:

- If it is verified that the degree is illegal or the application dossier for degree recognition is false, the recognition result of the degree will be annulled.

- The head of the competent authority for degree recognition issues a decision to annul the recognition result of the degree and revoke the recognition certificate, stating the reasons for annulment and revocation.

- The decision to annul the recognition result of the degree and revoke the recognition certificate is posted on the portal of the competent degree recognition authority, sent to the person whose recognition result is annulled, the agency that detected the violation (if any), the organization where the person works (if any), and related agencies and organizations.


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