Vietnam: Supplementing proofs of exemption from law practice training

Vietnam: Supplementing proofs of exemption from law practice training
Thúy Trọng

On June 24 2021, the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam issued Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BTP on guidelines and implementation of the Lawyer Law, Decree on elaboration and implementation of the Lawyer Law.

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BTP of the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam, there are proofs of exemption from law practice training and exemption from or reduction in legal traineeship period supplemented as following:

- A copy of the decision on appointment or re-appointment of a judge, procurator, investigator, or the resolution of the People's Council, the minutes of judge election of the People's Council, for a case where the judge is elected by the People’s Council at the district or province level; (currently, there is no provision on a copy of the decision on re-appointment).

- A copy of the decision on appointment or re-appointment of senior examiner of the court branch, senior examiner of the Procuracy branch, principal examiner of the Court branch, principal examiner of the Procuracy branch or decision on appointment of senior official, senior researcher, senior lecturer, principal official, principal researcher, principal lecturer in the field of law; (currently, there is no provision on a copy of the decision on re-appointment).

- A copy of the hiring decision, the contract to work in the legal field (currently, Vietnamese law stipulates a confirmation of working time in the legal field of the agency where he/she works).

Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BTP of the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam takes effect on August 10 2021 and replaces the Circular No. 17/2011/TT-BTP, and Circular No. 02/2015/TT-BTP.


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