Vietnam's regulations on online training software system from February 13, 2024

Vietnam's regulations on online training software system from February 13, 2024
Trần Thanh Rin

On December 29, 2023, the Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 30/2023/TT-BGDDT on the application of information technology to online training for higher education.

Vietnam's regulations on online training software system from February 13, 2024 

Specifically, regulations on the online training software system shall comply with Article 5 of Circular No. 30/2023/TT-BGDDT as follows: 

(1) Training facilities using private software or using a combination of software prescribed in (2), (3), (4), and (5). 
(2) Synchronous online training software with mandatory functions of: 

- Assisting teachers in organizing synchronous online training activities; guiding and assigning learning tasks to learners in the same learning space through video, audio, or text channels, and transmitting teacher materials to learners.

- Assisting learners in participating in online training activities; interacting and exchanging information in real time with teachers and other learners in the same learning space. 

(3) Non-synchronous online training software with mandatory functions of: 

- Assisting teachers in formulating non-synchronous online training plans, transmitting learning materials to learners, assigning learning tasks, inspecting and assessing learning results of learners, monitoring and supporting learners regarding their utilization of learning contents, counseling, supporting, and answering questions and difficulties of learners.

- Permitting learners to access and utilize learning contents, carry out learning activities or examinations and assessments requested by teachers, and ask and answer questions from teachers and other learners in the same learning space.

- Permitting training facilities to manage documentation, learning progress, and learning results of learners and teaching activities of teachers, truthfully and accurately record the learning process of each learner, and manage other information according to training facilities’ requirements or requests from educational management authorities.

(4) Online learning management software with functions similar to (3) and functions permitting teachers to design online learning contents and materials. 

(5) Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), including functions similar to (3) and functions providing a variety of contents and online course organization forms, applicable to large-scale online training for learners, teachers, and training facilities.

See more details in Circular No. 30/2023/TT-BGDDT of Vietnam, which comes into force as of February 13, 2024 and replaces Circular No. 12/2016/TT-BGDDT dated April 22, 2016.


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