To promote cashless medical service payments in Vietnam

To promote cashless medical service payments in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

The Ministry of Health issued Official Dispatch 5295/BYT-K2DT August 22, 2023 on promoting digital transformation and implementing Project 06 at agencies and units in the health sector, including promoting non-cash payment for medical services in Vietnam.

To promote cashless medical service payments in Vietnam

Specifically, the Ministry of Health requested to accelerate the payment of non-cash medical services;

Continue to fully implement the contents of Directive 02/CT-BYT dated October 2, 2019 of the Minister of Health on promoting the implementation of non-cash payment for medical services.

In addition, in order to continue promoting digital transformation in the health sector, the Ministry of Health proposes to implement the following contents:

Prioritize funding for information technology application and digital transformation activities; spend at least 1% of the agency's funding sources on information technology application according to Directive 02/CT-BYT dated February 25, 2009, of the Minister of Health on promoting the application and development of information technology in the health sector.

For preventive medical facilities: ensure the application of information technology and digital transformation to meet the requirements of disease management and prevention, especially emerging and dangerous diseases like COVID-19; manage infectious and non-infectious diseases; timely update; ensure that there is correct, enough, clean, and live" data on vaccination.

For universities and colleges training human resources in health: Expeditiously deploy information technology applications, promote digital transformation in training management, teaching, and learning, and ensure that the content of digital transformation and the application of information technology are appropriate in the training program.

For medical examination and treatment establishments: expeditiously deploy electronic medical records without using paper medical records; telemedicine deployment; deploy electronic prescriptions according to regulations; implement online booking of medical examination and treatment; focus on solutions to support people and patients; use chip-based citizen identification cards and biometric identification when registering and during medical examination and treatment.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 5295/BYT-K2T, dated August 22, 2023.


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