To build and promote the role of Vietnamese businessmen in the new era in Vietnam

To build and promote the role of Vietnamese businessmen in the new era in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

On October 10, 2023, the Central Executive Committee issued Resolution 41-NQ/TW on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese businessmen in the new era in Vietnam

To build and promote the role of Vietnamese businessmen in the new era in Vietnam

(1) General objective

Develop a strong entrepreneurial team in quantity, quality, reasonable structure, vision, intelligence, ethics, entrepreneurial spirit, legitimate enrichment, dynamism, creativity, advanced management capacity, compliance with the law, ethics and business culture with national identity, social responsibility, awareness of environmental protection, and making worthy contributions to the country's development goals.

(2) Target until 2030

Develop a team of Vietnamese entrepreneurs with scale, capacity, and qualifications to meet the country's industrialization and modernization goals.

Strive to have more and more businesses reach the regional level; some businesses reach the world level; A number of large enterprises have leading roles in key industries and fields. Some businesses have an important position and role in the supply chain and global value chain, owning a number of industrial and agricultural value chains, and have international competitiveness in foundation, priority, and spearhead industries.

(3) Vision to 2045:

Developing a team of Vietnamese entrepreneurs with scale, capacity, and qualifications to meet national development goals, high income, position, and regional and international reputation; a part of the enterprise with world brands; leading a number of supply chains and global value chains.

Solutions to build and promote the role of Vietnamese businessmen in the new era

Propose tasks and solutions to build and promote the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new era as follows:

- Raise awareness about the position and role of businessmen in implementing the country's development goals.

- Improve policies and laws; create a favorable, safe, and equitable investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses to develop and contribute.

- Develop a strong team of entrepreneurs on par with the goals and tasks of developing the country in the new era.

- Building ethics and business culture, promoting national spirit, and arousing the desire to develop a prosperous and happy country.

- Strengthen solidarity, cooperation, and linkages between businessmen, workers, farmers, and intellectuals under the Party's leadership.

- Promote the role of the Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry and organizations representing entrepreneurs and businesses.

- Strengthen the Party's leadership and State management in building and promoting the role of a team of entrepreneurs.

More details can be found in Resolution 41-NQ/TW, dated October 10, 2023.


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