Subjects for Communist Party awareness training program in Vietnam

Subjects for Communist Party awareness training program in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

On June 16, 2022, the Central Propaganda Department of Vietnam issued Instruction 61-HD/BTGTW in 2022 to implement the Communist Party awareness training program in Vietnam

According to Vietnam's Instruction, the program is for people who wish to learn about the Communist Party, voluntarily join the Communist Party, be recognized as an elite by agencies and mass organizations, and be trusted by the masses and introduced to the Party organization for considering and fostering Party admission.

Participants must have an education level from junior high school or equivalent or higher.

For ethnic minorities, remote areas, border areas, islands, etc., it can be applied to suit the actual conditions of the locality (the local party committee has specific instructions).

According to Vietnam's Instruction 01-HD/TW in 2021, for people who join the Communist Party of Vietnam living in mountainous areas, border areas, islands, ethnic minority areas and areas with special difficulties, or fishermen often work at sea, on island, if they fail to follow with the Regulations on the implementation of the Party Charter of the 13th Central Committee:

They must have at least completed elementary school education.

The educational level of people who join the Party are village elders, village chiefs, reputable people, living in mountainous areas, border areas, islands, ethnic minority areas and areas with special difficulties or ordinary fishermen. If you regularly work at sea or on islands, you must at least be able to read and write the national language script and obtain written consent from the standing committee of the Party Central Committee of Vietnam before the competent party committee issues a decision on admission.

 See more at Instruction 61-HD/BTGTW dated June 16, 2022.


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