Strengthening IT application and digital transformation in the management of continuing education in Vietnam

Strengthening IT application and digital transformation in the management of continuing education in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

The Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 3759/BGDDT-GDTX on July 28, 2023, providing guidelines for the implementation of tasks for the 2023-2024 academic year concerning continuing education. It requires continuing education institutions to enhance the application of IT and digital transformation in their management work.

Strengthening IT application and digital transformation in the management of continuing education in Vietnam

In innovating the management work for continuing education institutions, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) of Vietnam guides the Departments of Education and Training (DOET) in implementing the tasks for the academic year 2023-2024 for continuing education (CE) as follows:

- Enhance the application of information technology (IT) and digital transformation in managing CE, managing CE institutions, in teaching, managing, and inspecting, evaluating the implementation of CE programs;

- Strengthen the management of documentation and records of centers in the direction of managing electronic records to gradually replace paper records; direct centers to improve and enhance the efficiency of teaching and learning management in the digital environment;

- Encourage the development of digital learning materials repositories, shared open learning materials in CE institutions, especially in CE centers, Vocational Education and Training-continuing education (VET-CE) centers; share digital learning materials, open learning materials between CE institutions, regular educational institutions with learning models (learning communities, learning units).

- For the localities with centers supported or receiving intelligent centers, smart classrooms, or computer labs for implementing and piloting advanced teaching models on digital platforms in the direction of blended learning (smart classrooms, interactive learning groups, self-study with virtual assistants, etc.) suitable to the conditions, characteristics, and actual needs of CE.

- Strengthen the direction for these centers to actively develop plans and educational content to effectively utilize smart classrooms at the center.

- Intensify the innovation in management work in the direction of shifting from administrative management to quality management; build a quality culture, create a friendly working environment, and motivate teachers and staff;...

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 3759/BGDDT-GDTX dated July 28, 2023.


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