Procedures for tax deferral amended by the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam

Procedures for tax deferral amended by the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam
Anh Hào

On September 11, 2024, the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam issued Decision 2127/QD-BTC announcing the amended tax-related administrative procedures within the scope of management of the Ministry of Finance (procedures for tax deferral).

Procedures for tax deferral amended by the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam

Based on the amended regulations on tax deferral procedures, including Decree 64/2024/ND-CP; Decree 65/2024/ND-CP; and Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC, the Ministry of Finance provides the amended tax deferral procedures as follows:

- Step 1: Taxpayers eligible for a tax deferral prepare and submit their application to the tax authority directly managing the taxpayer.

- Step 2: The tax authority receives the taxpayer's application:

+ If the application is submitted directly to the tax authority or sent via postal services, the tax authority shall receive and process the application and provide the result according to regulations.

+ If the application is submitted electronically, the tax authority shall receive, check, and accept the tax documents through the electronic data processing system.

- Methods of implementation:

+ Direct submission at the tax authority's office;

+ Or send via postal services;

+ Or submit electronic documents to the tax authority via electronic transactions (the General Department of Taxation's e-portal, the e-portal of the competent state authority, or the T-VAN service provider).

- Components, number of documents:

+ Document components include:

  ++  Written  request  for  tax  payment  extension  by  the  taxpayer  according  to  Form  No.  01/GHAN  issued  with  Appendix  I  of  Circular  80/2021/TT-BTC  dated  September  29,  2021,  by  the  Ministry  of  Finance;  In  case  of  tax  extension  due  to  natural  disasters,  calamities,  epidemics,  fires,  unexpected  accidents,  additional  documents  are  required:          First,  certification  material  on  the  time  and  location  where  the  natural  disaster,  calamity,  epidemic,  fire,  or  unexpected  accident  occurred;          Second,  a  document  determining  the  material  loss  value  prepared  by  the  taxpayer  or  the  taxpayer's  legal  representative,  who  is  responsible  for  the  accuracy  of  the  data;          Third,  a  document  stipulating  the  liability  of  the  organization  or  individual  responsible  for  compensating  the  loss  (if  any);  Documents  related  to  the  compensation  for  damages  (if  any).

- Application for extension of tax payment and land rent according to Decree 64/2024/ND-CP;

- Application for extension of special consumption tax payment time according to Decree 64/2024/ND-CP.

- Subjects implementing administrative procedures: Organizations, individuals.

- Tax authorities implementing administrative procedures: Tax Departments/Tax Subdepartments.

- Fees and charges: None

More details can be found in Decision 2127/QD-BTC dated September 11, 2024.


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