Principles for considering rank promotion in professional titles for public employees in charge of registration of security interests in Vietnam

Principles for considering rank promotion in professional titles for public employees in charge of registration of security interests in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

The Minister of Justice of Vietnam promulgates Circular 11/2024/TT-BTP dated September 24, 2024, stipulating the standards and conditions for promotion in professional titles for public employees in charge of registration of security interests in Vietnam

Principles for considering rank promotion in professional titles for public employees in charge of registration of security interests in Vietnam

To be specific, the Principles for considering rank promotion in professional titles for public employees in charge of registration of security interests in Vietnam are regulated as follows:

- The organization and consideration of promotion in professional titles must be based on the standards of professional titles for public employees in charge of registration of security interests; the job positions, structure, and number of public employees registered by professional titles and according to the needs of the Registration Center in accordance with the Job Position Scheme approved by the competent authority.

- public employees in charge of registration of security interests considered for promotion in professional titles must meet the standards and conditions stipulated in Circular 11/2024/TT-BTP, and other relevant legal regulations.

- Equality, transparency, openness, and objectivity in determining standards and conditions and in considering promotion for those applying for promotion.

General standards and conditions for rank promotion for public employees in charge of registration of security interests

General standards and conditions for rank promotion for public employees in charge of registration of security interests in Vietnam are as follows:

- Meeting the standards of professional ethics and standards of education and training as stipulated in Article 3 and Article 4 of Circular 10/2024/TT-BTP regulating the codes and standards for professional titles for registering security measures.

- Meeting the standards and conditions as stipulated by the Registration Center for attending the promotion examination in cases where public employees at the Registration Center meet the standards for professional titles exceeding the number or structure of public employees according to the professional titles as stipulated in the Job Position Scheme of the Registration Center approved by the competent authority and in cases considered based on the needs of the Registration Center.

- Meeting other general standards and conditions as regulated by relevant laws concerning the recruitment, utilization, and management of public employees.

Circular 11/2024/TT-BTP comes into force in Vietnam from November 08, 2024.


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