New regulations on naming cluster housing in Vietnam from October 15, 2024

New regulations on naming cluster housing in Vietnam from October 15, 2024
Tấn Đại

On August 30, 2024, the Minister of Construction of Vietnam issued Circular 08-2024-TT-BXD stipulating the numbering and affixing house numbers and construction works, including regulations on naming cluster housing followed by the method of naming houses within a cluster housing.

New regulations on naming cluster housing in Vietnam from October 15, 2024

According to the regulations in Article 11 of Circular 08/2024/TT-BXD, if a residential area has multiple houses forming groups where the paths between groups are not named (roads, streets, alleys, paths), the following rule must be applied for naming the cluster housing:

- The naming of cluster housing uses uppercase Vietnamese letters (A, B, C,...) arranged in alphabetical order according to the arrangement principle of the cluster housing in that area.

- In the case where an area has multiple cluster housing, the naming starts from the group near the entrance and moves towards the end of the area. For groups on both sides of an internal road, this same method applies: groups on the left side of the internal road will be named A, C, D, G, I,..., while groups on the right side will be named B, D, E, H, K....

Additionally, the naming of houses within a cluster housing is specifically regulated in Article 12 of Circular 08/2024/TT-BXD as follows:

- The name of a house within a group can be chosen in one of the two following ways:

+ By combining the name of the group and the number of the house within that group (e.g., A10, B15, C4).

+ By combining the abbreviation of the street name, the group name, and the house number within that group (for house numbers on Bang Lang street, Hoa Phuong street, etc.: BL.A-10, HP.B-15, DN.C-4,...).

- The house numbers used are natural numbers (1, 2, 3..., n). The numbering direction within each group is determined by the arrangement principle of the houses in that group.

More details can be found in Circular 08/2024/TT-BXD, which comes into force in Vietnam from October 15, 2024.


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