List of Calculators Permitted for Use in the 2019 National High School Examination

List of Calculators Permitted for Use in the 2019 National High School Examination
Thu Hiền

The Ministry of Education and Training has just issued Official Dispatch No. 1568/BGDDT-CNTT regarding the notification of the list of pocket calculators permitted to be brought into the examination room for the 2019 National High School Examination.

List of pocket calculators allowed in the exam room specifically includes:

- Casio FX 570 MS, FX 570 ES Plus, FX 570VN Plus, FX 500MS, FX 500VNPlus, FX 580 VNX;- VinaCal 500MS, 570MS, 570ES Plus, 570ES Plus II, 570EX Plus, 680EX Plus;- Catel NT CAVIET NT-570ES Plus II, NT-570ES Plus, NT-500MS, NT-500ES Plus, NT-570VN Plus, NT-580EX;- Thien Long FX590VN Flexio;- Deli 1710, D991ES;- Calculators without word processing functions, memory card slots for storing data, information sending/receiving capabilities, voice recording, or video recording.

Details available at Official Dispatch 1568/BGDDT-CNTT issued on April 12, 2019.


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