Hanoi-Vietnam: The High School Graduation Exam 2020 will be held in 2 phases

Hanoi-Vietnam: The High School Graduation Exam 2020 will be held in 2 phases
Nguyễn Trinh

The Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training has just issued Official Dispatch 2873/BGDDT-QLCL regarding the organization of the High School Graduation Exam 2020 during the complex developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training guides the organization of the High School Graduation Exam 2020 as follows:

- Localities implementing social distancing according to Directive 16/CT-TTg (such as Da Nang City and some districts, townships, cities under Quang Nam Province) shall postpone the exam to an appropriate time; the exam schedule will be proposed by localities after the COVID-19 pandemic is under control, ensuring safety for the exam organization;

- Other localities shall organize the exam as planned (from August 08 to August 10, 2020); seriously implement the disease prevention and control measures as guided by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Training;

- Candidates nationwide under F1, F2 categories (if any) will take the exam at the same time as candidates in localities that have to postpone the exam due to social distancing;

- Candidates taking the exam organized after August 10, 2020, who wish to use their high school graduation exam results for university admission, will be considered under the spirit of university autonomy.

Details can be found at Official Dispatch 2873/BGDDT-QLCL issued on August 03, 2020.


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