Guidance on the management of degrees and certificates for the school year 2024-2025 in Vietnam

Guidance on the management of degrees and certificates for the school year 2024-2025 in Vietnam
Trọng Tín

On August 26, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 4697/BGDDT-QLCL providing guidance on the implementation of quality management tasks for the academic year 2024 - 2025, which includes guidance on the management of degrees and certificates.

Guidance on the management of degrees and certificates for the school year 2024-2025 in Vietnam

Regarding the management of degrees and certificates, the Ministry of Education and Training provides the following guidance:

- Organize a review and promulgate regulations on the management of degree and certificate formats and the issuance of degree and certificate in the area to ensure sufficient content, conformity, and suitability with the actual conditions at the Department of Education and Training and local specifics. Identify this as an important tool for management, guidance, and inspection to ensure the conformity of degree and certificate issuance and to well serve the needs of learners and the public.

- Review, inspect, and re-evaluate the training program, the organization, and management of training courses, and the quality assurance conditions to train, assess, and issue various types of certificates according to authority and in the area. Cease issuing certificates for units that do not meet the conditions; strictly handle violations (if any) according to regulations. Strengthen the management of links in organizing foreign language proficiency certificate exams in the area.

- Select and assign capable and qualified personnel to manage degree and certificate. Organize training and professional development on degree and certificate management for staff performing this work at the Education and Training Offices and authorized certificate-issuing centers.

- Proactively cooperate with the police agencies to investigate and strictly handle according to the law cases of falsifying degree and certificate; buying, selling, and using fake degree and certificate in the area.

- Actively digitize degree and certificate management, continue to build a database on degree and certificate to ensure the transparency of information on degree and certificate issuance on the websites of the authorized issuing agencies as regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training. Update degree and certificate data into the software of the Ministry of Education and Training (managed and operated by the Degree Recognition Center - Quality Management Department) to meet the needs of information search and verification about degree and certificate for agencies, units, and the public. Gradually progress towards the issuance and use of digital degrees.

- Urgently implement comprehensive online public services to recognize degrees issued by foreign educational institutions for use in Vietnam online as stipulated in Circular 07/2024/TT-BGDDT amending, supplementing Article 7, and replacing Appendix II, Appendix III of Circular 13/2021/TT-BGDDT effective from November 2, 2024.

See the detailed content at Official Dispatch 4697/BGDDT-QLCL dated August 26, 2024.


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