Guidance on implementing policies for development of education in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the new school year in Vietnam

Guidance on implementing policies for development of education in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the new school year in Vietnam
Anh Hào

On September 11, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 5268/BGDDT-GDDT regarding the guidance for implementing tasks for the 2024-2025 school year concerning ethnic education.

Guidance on implementing policies for development of education in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the new school year in Vietnam

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) guides the Departments of Education and Training (DOET); the pre-university schools, Huu Nghi 80 School, Huu Nghi T78 School, and Viet Bac Highland School (hereinafter collectively referred to as the units) to perform the tasks for the 2024-2025 school year concerning ethnic education (EE) according to the contents specified in Official Dispatch 5268/BGDDT-GDDT.

Regarding the task of implementing policies for educational development in ethnic minority and mountainous regions, MOET has provided the following guidance:

- Continue to review and organize the network of educational institutions in ethnic minority and mountainous regions (EM, MR), especially boarding ethnic minority schools, semi-boarding ethnic minority schools, and schools that provide food and accommodation for semi-boarding students, in line with the planning and actual conditions of the localities. This arrangement must ensure specific, reasonable, and convenient timelines for students' study, in conjunction with quality assurance conditions, meeting the requirements of the new preschool and general education programs.

- Implement solutions to increase the enrollment rate of ethnic minority children and students at all levels from preschool to general education; increase the rate of 5-year-old ethnic minority children attending kindergarten, the rate of ethnic minority students completing primary and lower secondary education; reduce the dropout rate; maintain and enhance the results of educational universalization at all levels to achieve sustainable development goals for the ethnic minority community in EE.

- Continue to focus on directing the review and assessment of quality assurance conditions for educational institutions in the localities. Priority should be given to reviewing and assessing the actual conditions of school infrastructure, especially for schools in areas prone to landslides, near rivers and streams, to formulate specific plans and timelines to supplement and improve conditions to ensure the safety of children and students, enhancing educational quality at all levels in the ethnic minority and mountainous regions.

- Strengthen investment in infrastructure and teaching equipment for educational institutions in ethnic minority and mountainous regions to meet the requirements of the 2018 General Education Program. Focus on implementing Decision 1719/QD-TTg dated October 14, 2021, of the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam approving the National Target Program for Economic and Social Development of Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Regions for the 2021-2030 period, Phase I: from 2021 to 2025. Based on the guidance documents of MOET and actual conditions, localities build phase and annual plans to effectively implement Sub-project 1 - Project 5, especially regarding the solidification of schools and classrooms, strengthening infrastructure, and teaching equipment for ethnic boarding and semi-boarding school, and schools providing food and accommodation for semi-boarding students in the localities.

- Organize interim and final reviews and evaluations of Programs, Projects, and Schemes related to prioritizing and supporting educational development in ethnic minority and mountainous regions for the 2021-2025 period, thereby continuing to propose and advise on implementation directions for the next period.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 5268/BGDDT-GDDT issued on September 11, 2024.


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