Form of training at the college level in Early Childhood Education in Vietnam

Form of training at the college level in Early Childhood Education in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

Below is the content of Circular 07/2023/TT-BGDĐT April 10, 2023 on the Regulation on training at the college level in Early Childhood Education in Vietnam.

Form of training at the college level in Early Childhood Education in Vietnam

According to Article 4 of Circular 07/2023/TT-BGDDT, forms of college-level training in Early Childhood Education in Vietnam include:

- Formal training:

+ Teaching activities are carried out at the training institution, but practical activities, internships, practical experiences, and online teaching can be carried out outside the training institution;

+ The time for organizing teaching activities is from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays from Monday to Saturday;

The time for organizing specific activities of the training program shall comply with the regulations of the training institution.

- Training while working:

+ Teaching activities are carried out at the training institution or at the training coordination institution according to the regulations on joint training; separately, practical activities, internships, practical experiences, and online teaching can be carried out outside the training institution or the training coordination institution;

+ Flexible time to organize teaching activities during the day and during the week.

Methods of organizing college-level training in Early Childhood Education in Vietnam

Methods of organizing college-level training in Early Childhood Education include:

- Yearly training:

+ As a method of organizing training according to relatively fixed classes for all compulsory modules of the training program in the whole course, allowing students in the same class to follow the standard study plan and follow a common schedule except for electives or retakes;

+ Students who are assessed to have achieved normal academic progress will be allowed to continue their studies next year according to the standard study plan and re-register for unsatisfactory courses as prescribed in the training program;

+ Students who are judged to have not achieved normal academic progress will have to study with the students of the next course to re-learn the unsatisfactory modules as prescribed in the training program.

- Training by credit:

+ Is a method of organizing training in each course, allowing students to accumulate credits for each module and implement the training program according to the individual's study plan, in accordance with the teaching plan of the training institution;

+ Students who fail to pass the required course will have to retake that course, take an equivalent course as prescribed in the training program, or take an alternative course if that course is no longer taught;

+ Students who fail to pass an elective course will have to retake that course or may choose to study another elective subject as prescribed in the training program.

- The training institution selects and applies the following training methods:

+ Training by credit, uniformly applied to all training courses and forms;

+ Training according to the annual system, uniformly applied to all training courses and forms;

+ Applying credit-based training for some courses or for a form of training; applying annual training for some other courses or other forms of training.

Circular 07/2023/TT-BGDDT takes effect from May 25, 2023, and replaces Circular 24/2019/TT-BGDDT dated December 26, 2019.


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