Duties and powers of the Party Committee at the upper level of the Party Committee of the Block of Central Agencies in Vietnam

Duties and powers of the Party Committee at the upper level of the Party Committee of the Block of Central Agencies in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

The Central Executive Committee issued Regulation 123-QD/TW in 2023 on the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational apparatus of the immediate superior party committee of the grassroots party organization under the Party Committee of the Block of Central Agencies in Vietnam.

Duties and powers of the Party Committee at the upper level of the Party Committee of the Block of Central Agencies in Vietnam

Duties and powers of the Party Committee at the upper level of the Party Committee of the Block of Central Agencies in Vietnam include:

- Lead the implementation of political tasks;

- Lead political and ideological work;

- Participate in organizational and staff work;

- Build party organization;

- Leading socio-political and socio-professional organizations;

- Powers and responsibilities of the party committee.

For example, the tasks and powers of leadership to carry out political tasks are as follows:

- Lead and direct the Party, affiliated cells and cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, and workers to comply with the Party's guidelines, policies, and resolutions, State policies and laws, and resolutions of superior party committees and party committees, ensuring the completion of political tasks of agencies and units.

- Participate with party unions, party committees, and collective leaders of agencies and units to build, lead, and direct the effective implementation of work directions and political tasks of agencies and units and tasks assigned by superiors in accordance with the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws.

- Lead the care of material and spiritual life and protect the legitimate rights of officials, party members, civil servants, public employees, and workers in agencies and units.

- Lead cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, and workers to perform national defense tasks, ensure political security, order, and social safety of agencies and units, and protect secrets according to the regulations of the Party and State.

- Lead and direct affiliated party organizations to carry out mass mobilization work; participate in leading and directing the development and implementation of democratic regulations in agencies and units.

- Advise and propose to superior party committees on necessary issues to ensure the completion of political tasks of agencies, units, and related work contents.

More details can be found in Regulation 123-QD/TW 2023.


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