Amendments to regulations for issuance of certificates of competency and qualifications of operators of inland waterway vehicles in Vietnam

Amendments to regulations for issuance of certificates of competency and qualifications of operators of inland waterway vehicles in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

The Minister of Transport issued Circular 38/2023/TT-BGTVT dated December 18, 2023 amending Circular 40/2019/TT-BGTVT on test, examination, issuance, re-issuance and change of certificates of competency and qualifications of seafarers and operators of inland waterway vehicles in Vietnam

Amendments to regulations for issuance of certificates of competency and qualifications of operators of inland waterway vehicles in Vietnam

Regulations for the issuance of certificates of competency and qualifications of operators of inland waterway vehicles in Vietnam are as follows:

(1) For basic safety training certificate:

Have a certificate of professional ability or professional certificate listed in the issuance book of a competent authority as prescribed in Article 7 of Circular 40/2019/TT-BGTVT.

(2) For sailor and mechanic certificates:

- Have a primary vocational certificate or higher and be trained in the profession of ship operator or sea-going ship operator, ship machine or sea-going ship machine;

- Complete the probationary period as a sailor or mechanic for 6 months or more.

(3) For certificates of professional competency for third-class captains and third-class chief engineers:

- Have a primary certificate for the profession of third-class captain, third-class chief engineer, or have an intermediate diploma or higher and be trained in the profession of ship operator, sea-going ship operator, ship engineer, or sea-going ship engineer. ;

- Complete the probationary period as a third-class captain or third-class chief engineer for 6 months or more.

(4) For certificates of professional competence for second-class captain and second-class chief engineer officer:

- Have a college diploma or higher and be trained in the profession of ship operator or sea-going ship operator, ship engine or sea-going ship engineer;

(Currently, Circular 40/2019/TT-BGTVT stipulates that those with a college diploma or higher are trained in the profession of ship operator, sea-going ship operator, or ship engineer.)

- Complete the probationary period as a second-class captain or second-class chief engineer for 6 months or more.

Circular 38/2023/TT-BGTVT takes effect on February 15, 2024.


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