08 Forms related to social work services and practice in Vietnam

08 Forms related to social work services and practice in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

Decree 110/2024/ND-CP on social work issued by the Government of Vietnam on August 30, 2024, which includes regulations on forms related to social work services and practice in Vietnam

Decree 110/2024/ND-CP stipulates the rights and obligations of social work subjects; the rights and obligations of social work practitioners; conditions for registering to practice social work; practices in the field of social work; and the authority, dossier, procedures for granting, re-granting, and revoking certificates of registration for social work practice.

According to Decree 110/2024/ND-CP, the following terms are understood as follows:

- Social work is an activity that supports individuals, groups, families, and communities in resolving social issues.

- Social work subjects are individuals, groups, families, and communities in need of social work services.

- Social work services are services provided by organizations and individuals qualified to offer social work services aimed at resolving social issues of individuals, groups, households, and communities.

- Social work practice involves professional activities carried out directly with in-depth expertise (prevention, intervention, therapy, care, support for recovery and development, counseling, consultation, and psychological support for social work subjects) by social workers who have been certified by authorized entities to practice social work.

08 Forms related to social work services and practice in Vietnam

The following are 08 Forms related to social work services and practice in Vietnam:

Form No. 01: Service Agreement Contract for Social Work Services;

Form No. 02: Certificate of Social Work Knowledge Update;

Form No. 03: Request for Practicing at a Social Work Service Provider;

Form No. 04: Decision on Receiving and Assigning a Mentor for Practice at a Social Work Service Provider;

Form No. 05: Confirmation of Practice Process;

Form No. 06: Certificate of Registration for Social Work Practice;

Form No. 07: Application Form for Registration of Social Work Practice;

Form No. 08: Request for Re-issuance of Certificate of Registration for Social Work Practice.

Decree 110/2024/ND-CP takes effect in Vietnam from October 15, 2024.


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