The 13th National Congress of the Party in Vietnam sets the country's development orientation for the period of 2021 - 2030

The Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party clearly outlines specific goals and orientations for key targets for socio-economic development in the five years from 2021 to 2025 and key tasks in the term of Congress. Association XIII. It clearly states the overall goals and development orientation of the country in 2021 - 2030 and strategic breakthroughs during the 13th National Congress.

What is the overall goal of the 13th National Congress of the Party?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section I, the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of Delegates prescribes the following general objectives:

Improve the Party's leadership capacity, ruling capacity and fighting strength; building a clean, strong and comprehensive Party and political system; consolidate and strengthen the people's trust in the Party, State and the socialist regime; arousing the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country, promoting the will and strength of national unity in combination with the strength of the times; comprehensively and synchronously promote the renovation, industrialization and modernization; firmly build and defend the Fatherland, maintain a peaceful and stable environment; striving by the middle of the twenty-first century, our country becomes a developed, socialist-oriented country.

The 13th National Congress of the Party in Vietnam sets the country's development orientation for the period of 2021 - 2030

Development orientation of the country in the period of 2021 - 2030 in the 13th National Congress of the Party?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section I, the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of Delegates prescribes specific orientations as follows:

- Continue to strongly renew thinking, build and complete synchronously the institutions for sustainable development in terms of economy, politics, culture, society, environment..., timely remove difficulties, obstacles, arouse all potentials and resources, create new impetus for the rapid and sustainable development of the country.

- Complete comprehensively and synchronously the institution for developing a socialist-oriented market economy, creating a favorable environment for mobilizing, allocating and effectively using resources, promoting investment, manufacturing business. Ensure macroeconomic stability, strongly renovate the growth model, restructure the economy, accelerate industrialization and modernization of the country; focus on infrastructure construction and urban development; rural economic development associated with new rural construction; prioritizing resources for developing rural infrastructure in mountainous and ethnic minority areas; promote national digital transformation, develop digital economy on the basis of science and technology, innovate, improve productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy, harmoniously connect , domestic and international market efficiency.

- Creating breakthroughs in fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training, developing high-quality human resources, attracting and appreciating talents. Promote research, transfer and strong application of the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to all areas of social life, focusing on a number of key industries and fields with potential and advantages to act as a driving force for growth in the spirit of catching up, advancing with and surpassing in some areas compared to the region and the world.

- Develop a comprehensive human being and build an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity so that culture can truly become an endogenous force and driving force for national development and national defense. Increase investment in cultural development. To build, develop and create the most favorable environment and social conditions to arouse patriotic tradition, national pride, belief and aspiration to develop a prosperous, happy, talented and intellectual country. Vietnamese people's intelligence and qualities are the most important development center, goal and driving force of the country.

- Effectively and strictly manage social development, ensuring social security and human security; make progress and social justice; building a healthy and civilized cultural and moral environment; focus on improving the quality of health services, the quality of the population, linking population with development; interested for all people, ensuring policies on labor, employment, income, and well implementation of social welfare and social security. Continuously improve comprehensively the material and spiritual life of the people.

- Actively and effectively adapting to climate change, preventing, combating and mitigating natural disasters and epidemics, managing, exploiting and using rationally, economically, efficiently and sustainably; taking the protection of the living environment and people's health as the top goals; resolutely eliminate projects that cause environmental pollution, ensure the quality of the living environment, and protect biodiversity and ecosystems; building a green economy, circular economy, environmentally friendly.

- Resolutely and persistently defend the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Fatherland; protect the Party, State, people and socialist regime. Maintaining political security, ensuring social order and safety, human security, economic security, cyber security, building an orderly and disciplined society. Actively prevent the risks of war and conflict early and from afar; early detection and timely handling of adverse factors, especially risk factors for mutations; step up the struggle to defeat all plots and counter-actions of hostile forces.

- Continue to implement the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification; proactively and actively integrate into the world comprehensively, extensively and effectively; hold peaceful and stable environment, constantly improving Vietnam's international position and prestige.

- To practice and widely promote socialist democracy, the people's right to mastery and self-governance; bring into play the great strength of national unity; consolidating and raising people's trust, strengthening social consensus; continue to renovate the organization, content and mode of operation of the Fatherland Front

Vietnam and socio-political organizations.

- Building and perfecting a socialist rule of law state that is clean, strong, lean, effective and efficient, serving the people and for the development of the country. Enhance publicity, transparency and accountability; controlling power is associated with tightening discipline and discipline in the activities of the State and of cadres, civil servants and public employees. Continue to step up the fight against corruption, wastefulness, bureaucracy, crime and social evils.

- Continue to build and correct the Party comprehensively; strengthen the working class nature of the Party; renewing leadership methods, improving the Party's leadership and ruling capacity; to build a clean, strong, lean political system that operates effectively and efficiently; build a contingent of cadres, party members, civil servants and public employees, especially strategic level cadres and leaders with sufficient quality, capacity and prestige, on par with tasks; do well in ideological and theoretical work; focus on protecting the Party, protecting internal politics; strengthen inspection, supervision, discipline, fight against corruption and mass mobilization work of the Party.

- Continue to grasp and handle major relationships well: The relationship between stability, innovation and development; between economic innovation and political innovation; midweek following market rules and ensuring socialist orientation; between the development of productive forces and the building and improvement of socialist production relations step by step; between the State, the market and society; between economic growth and cultural development, the realization of progress, social justice, and environmental protection; between building and defending the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland; between independence, self-reliance and international integration; between the Party's leadership, the State's management and the people's ownership; between practicing democracy and strengthening the rule of law, ensuring social discipline. In the perception and settlement of major relations, more attention should be paid to ensuring the socialist orientation; building and perfecting progressive and appropriate production relations; develop culture, realize social progress and justice, protect the environment, protect the socialist Fatherland; maintain independence and self-reliance and promote the people's mastery.

Khanh Linh


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