It is expected that by 2025, GDP per capita in Vietnam will be about 4,700 - 5,000 USD

The Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party clearly outlines specific goals and orientations for key targets for socio-economic development in the five years from 2021 to 2025 and key tasks in the term of Congress. Association XIII. Accordingly, it is expected that by 2025, the GDP per capita in Vietnam will be about 4,700 - 5,000 USD, the unemployment rate in urban areas is below 4%.

Orientation on the main targets of socio-economic development in the five years from 2021 to 2025?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section I, the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of Delegates prescribes specific targets as follows:

- Economic: The average economic growth rate (GDP) in 5 years is about 6.5 - 7%/year. By 2025, GDP per capita will be about 4,700 - 5,000 USD; the contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to growth is about 45%; the average growth rate of social labor productivity is over 6.5%/year; urbanization rate is about 45%; the proportion of processing and manufacturing industry in GDP reached over 25%; The digital economy accounts for about 20% of GDP.

- Social: By 2025, the proportion of agricultural laborers in the total social labor will be about 25%; the rate of trained workers is 70%; unemployment rate in urban areas in 2025 is below 4%; the multi-dimensional poverty rate maintains a reduction of 1-1.5% annually; there are 10 doctors and 30 hospital beds per ten thousand people; health insurance participation rate reaches 95% of the population; average life expectancy is about 74.5 years; the rate of communes meeting new rural standards is at least 80%, of which at least 10% meet the standards of model new rural areas.

- Regarding the environment: By 2025, the rate of using clean water and hygienic water of urban population will be 95 - 100%, rural population is 93 - 95%; the rate of urban daily-life solid waste collection and treatment ensuring standards and regulations reaches 90%; the rate of industrial parks and export processing zones in operation with a centralized wastewater treatment system meeting environmental standards is 92%; the rate of establishments causing serious environmental pollution to be treated reaches 100%; keep the forest cover rate stable at 42%.

It is expected that by 2025, GDP per capita in Vietnam will be about 4,700 - 5,000 USD

Key tasks in the XIII Congress term?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section I, the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of Delegates prescribes the following key tasks:

- Continue to promote party building and rectification, building a socialist rule of law state and a comprehensive, clean and strong political system. Renovating the Party's leadership and ruling methods. Building the organizational apparatus of the political system to be lean, efficient and effective. Continue to step up the fight against bureaucracy, corruption, wastefulness, negativity, "group interests", internal "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" manifestations. Building a contingent of party members and cadres at all levels, especially at the strategic level, with qualified, capable, reputable and equal leaders. Consolidate the people's trust and attachment to the Party, State and the socialist regime.

- Focus on controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, mass vaccination with Covid-19 vaccine for the community; socio-economic recovery and development, strongly renovating the growth model, restructuring the economy, building and completing synchronously the development institutions suitable to the full and current market economy. modernity, integration; develop synchronously and create linkages between regions, regions, economic sectors, production and business types; have policies to effectively support enterprises in agriculture; promote research, transfer and application of scientific and technological advances and innovation, especially achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, implement national digital transformation, and develop the economy. number, improve productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy; mobilize, allocate and effectively use resources, create driving force for rapid and sustainable economic development; perfecting the legal system, especially the law on intellectual property protection and settlement of civil disputes, overcoming bottlenecks hindering the development of the country.

- Maintain independence and self-reliance, continue to improve the quality and efficiency of external activities and international integration; strengthen national defense and security potentials, build the People's Army and the Revolutionary People's Police, regular, elite, step by step modernize, a number of forces advance towards modernity, creating a solid premise striving by 2030 to build a revolutionary, regular, elite and modern People's Army and People's Police; resolutely and firmly defend independence, sovereignty, unification, territorial integrity, sea, islands and airspace; maintain a peaceful and stable environment for the development of the country.

- Arousing the desire to develop a prosperous and happy country; promote Vietnamese cultural values ​​and human strength in the cause of national construction and defense, international integration; have specific policies to develop ethnic minority culture; well implement social policies, ensure social security and human security, create strong changes in social development management, realize social progress and justice, improve quality of life and happiness index of Vietnamese people.

- Completing synchronously the legal system, mechanisms and policies in order to strongly promote socialist democracy and the people's right to mastery; at the same time building a clean and strong socialist rule of law State of Vietnam; judicial reform, strengthening the rule of law, ensuring social discipline, first of all being an example of obeying the law, practicing social democracy the meanings of the Party committees, organizations of the party, the administration, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at all levels, of officials and party members; strengthen national unity.

- Strictly manage, rationally and effectively use land and resources, protect and improve the environment; proactively and actively deploy solutions to adapt to | climate change, extreme natural disasters.

Accordingly, the 13th Party Central Committee and all levels of party committees and organizations lead, direct, concretize and organize the successful implementation of the lines and policies stated in the documents of the XIII Party Congress.

Khanh Linh


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