What is an infectious disease? Classification of infectious diseases in Vietnam

What is an infectious disease? What are the classification of infectious diseases in Vietnam? – Country (Binh Phuoc, Vietnam)

What is an infectious disease? Classification of infectious diseases in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. What is infectious disease?

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases 2007, infectious disease means a disease that transmits directly or indirectly from humans or animals to humans due to agents of infectious disease.

2. Classification of infectious diseases in Vietnam

Infectious diseases are divided into the following classes:

* Class A, consisting of extremely dangerous infectious diseases that can transmit very rapidly and spread widely with high mortality rates or with unknown agents.

Class-A infectious diseases include

- Poliomyelitis;

- Influenza A-H5N1;

- Plague:

- Smallpox:

- Ebola virus. Lassa virus and Marburg virus hemorrhagic fever;

- West Nile fever;

- Yellow fever

- Cholera;

- SARS and dangerous infectious diseases newly emerging and with unknown agents;

- nCoV virus

* Class B, consisting of dangerous infectious diseases that can rapidly transmit and be fatal.

Class-B infectious diseases include

- Adenovirus disease;


- Diphtheria;

- Influenza;

- Rabies;

- Pertussis;

- Pulmonary tuberculosis;

- Human streptococcus suis;

- Amebiasis;

- Bacillary dysentery;

- Mumps;

- Dengue fever; dengue hemorrhagic fever;

- Malaria;

- Scarlet fever;

- Measles;

- Hand-foot-mouth disease;

- Anthrax;

- Chicken pox;

- Typhoid;

- Tetanus;

- German measles;

- Viral hepatitis;

- Neisseria meningitis;

- Viral meningitis;

- leptospirosis;

- Rota virus diarrhea;

- Zika virus

* Class C, consisting of less dangerous infectious diseases that are not rapidly transmittable.

Class-C infectious diseases include

- Chlamydia;

- Syphilis;

- Worm-related diseases;

- Gonorrhea;

- Trachoma;

- Candida Albicans disease;

- Nocardia disease;

- leprosy;

- Cytomegalo virus disease;

- Herpes;

- Taeniasis;

- Ascioliasis;

- Paragonimiasis;

- Fasciolopsis buski;

- Scrub typhus;

- Rickettsia fever;

- Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever;

- Trichomonas;

- Pyodermatitis;

- Coxsakie virus pharyngitis, stomatitis and carditis;

- Giardiasis;

- Vibrio Parahaemolyticus enteritis,

- Other infectious diseases.

(Article 3 of the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases 2007, Article 1 of Decision 219/QD-BYT, Article 1 of Decision 740/QD-BYT)

3. Principles of prevention and control of infectious diseases in Vietnam

- Taking disease prevention is the main in which information, education, communication and infectious disease surveillance are the main measures. Combining professional and technical medical measures with social and administrative measures in the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

- Carry out interdisciplinary coordination and social mobilization in infectious disease prevention and control; integrating infectious disease prevention and control activities into socio-economic development programs.

- Public, accurate and timely information on translation.

- Actively, actively, promptly and thoroughly in epidemic prevention and control activities.

(Article 4 of the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases 2007)

Diem My


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