Vietnam: Participants in the response to natural disasters who are killed may be considered for policies applicable to fallen heroes

This is a notable content of the Law on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control 2013 of Vietnam.

Người tham gia ứng phó thiên tai nếu bị chết sẽ hưởng chính sách như liệt sỹ, Luật phòng chống thiên tai 2013

According to Clause 1 Article 3 of the Law on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control 2013 of Vietnam: “Natural disasters means abnormal natural phenomena which may cause damage to human life, property, the environment, living conditions and socio- economic activities. Natural disasters include typhoon, tropical low pressure, whirlwind, lightning, heavy rain, flood, flashflood, inundation, landslide and land subsidence due to floods or water currents, water rise, seawater intrusion, extreme hot weather, drought, damaging cold, hail, hoarfrost, earthquake, tsunami and other types of natural disaster.”

Besides, according to Article 34 of the Law on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control 2013 of Vietnam, rights of households and individuals in natural disaster prevention and control are as follows:

- To access information on natural disaster prevention and control published by competent agencies;

- To participate in the elaboration of local plans on natural disaster prevention and control and plans on response to natural disasters;

- To participate in programs on communication, information and education about natural disaster prevention and control; and to improve their knowledge on natural disaster prevention and control suitable to their practical conditions;

- To be returned supplies and means; to receive remunerations for their participation in urgent response to natural disasters in the community under the mobilization orders of competent persons;

- Participants in the response to natural disasters, who are injured or killed may be considered for entitlements and policies applicable to fallen heroes or war invalids as provided by the law on preferential treatment of persons with meritorious service to the revolution;

- To receive relief and support in accordance with law when suffering from damage caused by natural disasters.

Moreover, households and individuals have the obligations particularly as follows:

- To take the initiative in building, upgrading and protecting their works and houses to assure safety during natural disasters or remove them to safe places; neither to build houses nor to reside in areas, which can be severely affected by natural disasters;

- To take the initiative in procuring equipment within their capacity to receive natural disaster forecasts and warnings and natural disaster prevention and control instructions;

- To comply with instructions and commands of competent agencies and persons on evacuation of people and means from, or no entry, into dangerous areas;

- To provide information within their knowledge on developments and consequences of natural disasters to competent agencies;

- etc.

Le Hai


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