Summary of policies to support and overcome difficulties caused by Covid-19

LICENSE LAW would like to send to our customers the summary of policies to support and overcome difficulties caused by Covid-19 as follows:

Summary of policies to support and overcome difficulties caused by Covid-19

Summary of policies to support and overcome difficulties caused by Covid-19 (Artwork)

Discount 37 fees and charges until the end of June 30, 2022

According to Circular 120/2021/TT-BTC, there will be 37 fees and charges that will be reduced from 10 to 50% compared to the current rate from January 1, 2022 to the end of June 30, 2022. . ( See details here )

New: Maximum anti-epidemic allowance 450,000 VND/person/day

The Government has just issued Resolution 145/NQ-CP on adjusting, amending and supplementing regimes and policies in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic. ( See details here )

Modifying Decision 23/2021/QD-TTg: Latest update of conditions to support workers facing difficulties due to COVID-19

The Prime Minister has issued Decision 33/2021/QD-TTg amending and supplementing a number of articles on the implementation of policies to support employees facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ( See details here )

Update the application file for meal support with F0 for home treatment

According to Decision 33/2021/QD-TTg, the application file for support for F1 who has finished isolation at an isolation facility before July 7, 2021, F1 is isolated at home, and F0 is treated at home, including Yes: ( See details here )

Exemption and reduction of many taxes for people and businesses affected by COVID-19

The National Assembly Standing Committee issued Resolution 406/NQ-UBTVQH14 dated October 19, 2021 on solutions to support businesses and people affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Accordingly, the resolution on tax exemption, reduction of corporate income tax, personal income tax, value-added tax for many subjects ( See details here ).

30% reduction of VAT rate for many goods and services

On October 19, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly issued Resolution 406/NQ-UBTVQH14 on solutions to support businesses and people affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. ( See details here )

More business households receive support of 3 million VND/household due to COVID-19

Resolution 126/NQ-CP amending Resolution 68/NQ-CP in 2021 stipulates that more cases of business households that are stopped operating due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic will receive support at the rate of 3 million VND/ household. ( See details here )

Amendment to Resolution 68: Expanding the beneficiaries of support

In Resolution 126/NQ-CP amending and supplementing Resolution 68/NQ-CP, the Government has supplemented difficult employees to receive support money, and at the same time relaxed conditions on policies. support employers to borrow capital to pay wages to stop working and restore production. Details are as follows: ( See details here )

Employees who suspend their labor contracts, take unpaid leave, maternity leave, etc. are still entitled to support under Decree 116

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has just issued Official Letter 3535/LDTBXH-VL replying to Official Letter 3138/BHXH-CSXH on determining beneficiaries of support under Decision 28/2021/QD-TTg. ( See details here )

Support nutritious meals for employees implementing "1 road, 2 destinations"

Recently, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has issued Decision 3309/QD-TLD dated October 1, 2021 on supporting nutritious meals for union members and employees who are performing "1 road". 2 "destination" of businesses in the provinces and cities to comply with Directive 15 and Directive 16. ( See details here )

List of goods exempted from import tax for epidemic prevention and control

Recently, the Ministry of Finance issued Decision 1921/QD-BTC to add items exempt from import tax for epidemic prevention and control. Up to now, the list of goods exempted from import tax for epidemic prevention and control includes: ( See details here )

Hot: Cash support up to 3.3 million VND for employees with UI payment

Recently, the Government has issued Resolution 116/NQ-CP dated September 24, 2021 on policies to support employees and employers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic from the Unemployment Insurance Fund. . ( See details here )

Using VND 30,000 billion from the unemployment insurance fund to support workers

The National Assembly Standing Committee agreed to use the remaining VND 30,000 billion from the Unemployment Insurance Fund to support employees who are participating in this Fund. ( See details here )

Who can receive the 3rd phase of Covid-19 support in Ho Chi Minh City?

The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has just issued Official Letter 30674/SLDTBXH-LD requesting the Chairman of the People's Committees of districts and Thu Duc city to direct the Chairman of the People's Committees of communes, wards and townships to quickly organize a review. make a list of comments for consideration and approval of people in really difficult circumstances due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic who are actually present in the commune, ward and township to implement the 3rd phase of support policy as follows: ( See details here .)

Many "hot" policies to support businesses, cooperatives, and business households in the context of Covid-19

Recently, the Government issued Resolution 105/NQ-CP on supporting businesses, cooperatives and business households in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic. The objective of the Resolution is to focus on restoring and developing production and business activities of enterprises, cooperatives and commercial establishments in association with ensuring safety in the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic; promptly support and remove difficulties and obstacles, minimize the number of enterprises, cooperatives, and business establishments that are temporarily shutting down, dissolving or going bankrupt due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. ( See details here )

Debt restructuring, interest exemption and reduction until June 30, 2022 for customers affected by Covid-19

Recently, the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam issued Circular 14/2021/TT-NHNN amending and supplementing Circular 01/2020/TT-NHNN on rescheduling debt repayment, exemption and reduction of fees, and keeping the same. debt group to support customers affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. ( See details here )

Who is eligible for the 5th phase of electricity reduction due to the impact of COVID-19?

On September 6, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Official Letter 5411/BCT-DTDL on support to reduce electricity prices and reduce electricity bills for the 5th phase for electricity users affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. ( See details here )

Benefits of health insurance participants when implementing social distancing

Facing the complicated situation of the COVID-19 epidemic across the country, on July 29, 2021, the Vietnam Social Insurance issued Official Letter 2259/BHXH-CSYT guiding the social insurance of provinces and cities to implement the implementation. Some of the following contents to ensure the interests of the insured. ( See details here ).

Emergency support for homeless people during the quarantine period

On August 23, 2021, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs issued Official Letter 2805/LDTBXH-BTXH on emergency support for shelters for vagabonds, homeless, and people without temporary accommodation during the period of social distancing according to regulations. Directive 16/CT-TTg. ( See details here )

Food allowance of 1 million VND/person for employees to perform "3 on the spot"

On August 24, 2021, the Vietnam Labor Confederation issued Decision 3089/QD-TLD on supporting meals for union members and employees who are performing "3 places" of enterprises in the provinces, The city implements the distance between the whole province and city according to Directive 16/CT-TTg. ( See details here ).

Enterprises affected by Covid-19 are considered to restructure the repayment term

To support businesses affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, the State Bank of Vietnam has issued Circular 01/2020/TT-NHNN and Circular 03/2021/TT-NHNN amending and supplementing Circular No. 01/2020/TT-NHNN on credit institutions, foreign bank branches restructure debt repayment terms, exempt or reduce interest and fees, and maintain debt groups in order to support customers affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. -19. ( See details here ).

Dossiers of loans to pay wages for work stoppage, salary for production recovery

In the face of complicated developments of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government issued Resolution 68/NQ-CP on a number of policies to support employees and employers facing business difficulties, including policies for enterprises to borrow capital to pay wages for job cessation and production recovery wages. Recently, the loan application has been guided by the Bank for Social Policies in Guidance 6199/HD-NHCS. ( See details here ).

04 cases of paid employees stop working because of Covid-19

The payment of stoppage pay to employees affected by the Covid-19 epidemic has been guided by the Department of Labor Relations and Wages in Official Letter 264/QHLDTL-TL dated July 15, 2021. Accordingly, there are 04 cases of paid employees stopping work because of Covid-19. ( See details here ).

Procedures for art workers to receive support for difficulties due to COVID-19

Conditions and procedures for receiving support money for groups of art workers affected by Covid-19 under Resolution 68 are guided in Decision 23/2021/QD-TTg . ( See details here ).

Job support for workers returning to their homeland due to the Covid-19 epidemic

The Government issued Resolution 88/NQ-CP dated 12/8/2021 on the national online Government meeting with localities on the socio-economic situation in July and the first 7 months of 2021. ( See more details here ).

Notes on social insurance and wages when employees work from home

Currently, the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic is complicated, businesses have actively arranged for employees to work from home. Employees need to know these things to ensure their rights. ( See details here )

Notes on Covid-19 support money for self-employed groups

The situation of the Covid-19 epidemic is still complicated throughout the country. The vast majority of self-employed workers are facing difficulties in making daily living expenses and wondering about support policies for disadvantaged people. So what are the points to note for the policy to support freelance workers? ( See details here )

Instructions for submitting an online application for Covid-19 support for employees who are not eligible for unemployment insurance

For employees who terminate their labor contracts but are not eligible for unemployment benefits, they can make an online application (submit online) to receive Covid-19 support. ( See details here )

Anti-epidemic support allowance for medical staff and volunteers

The Ministry of Health issued Official Letter 6401/BYT/KHTC guiding the implementation of the payment regime for medical staff and volunteers to support provinces in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic. ( See details here )

Objects and support level for the 4th phase of electricity bill reduction due to Covid-19

The Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Official Letter 4748/BCT-DTDL dated August 6, 2021 on supporting electricity price reduction and electricity bill reduction for electricity users affected by the 4th COVID-19 epidemic. ( See details. here )

Support trade union members and workers who died due to Covid-19

On August 9, 2021, the General Confederation of Labor issued Decision 3022/TD-TLD amending Decision 2606/QD-TLD dated May 19, 2021 on emergency support for union members and employees affected. affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. ( See details here )

Reduce some fees and charges in the veterinary field because of Covid-19

On August 6, 2021, the Minister of Finance issued Circular 68/2021/TT-BTC regulating the collection of a number of fees and charges in the field of veterinary medicine in order to support and remove difficulties for farmers. affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. ( See details here )

Employees who take unpaid leave due to Covid-19 will be supported up to 3.7 million VND

This is a notable content in Resolution 68/NQ-CP dated July 1, 2021 on a number of policies to support employees and employers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ( See details here )

Documents and procedures for F0 and F1 to receive food support of 80,000 VND/day

Procedures for receiving meal support for children and people being treated for COVID-19 infection (F0) or medical isolation for COVID-19 prevention and control (F1) according to the decision of the competent authority to be guided in Decision 23/2021/QD-TTg dated 7/7/2021. ( See details here )

Suspending social insurance contributions to the retirement fund due to Covid-19: What you need to know

The policy of suspending contributions to the pension fund is mentioned in Resolution 68/NQ-CP. Accordingly, the subjects, conditions and dossiers and procedures for suspending payment of social insurance contributions to the retirement and survivorship fund for enterprises and employees facing difficulties due to Covid-19 are guided in Decision 23/2021/ Decision-TTg dated 07/7/2021, specifically as follows: ( See details here )

Dossiers and procedures for receiving support for employees who suspend their labor contracts or take unpaid leave

Dossier and procedures for employees to suspend labor contracts, take unpaid leave to receive support under Resolution 68/NQ-CP are implemented according to Decision 23/2021/QD-TTg, specifically as follows: ( See details here )

How does a business household receive a support of 3 million VND under Resolution 68?

Resolution 68 clearly states the policy to support business households facing difficulties due to Covid-19 with a support level of 3 million VND/household. Accordingly, the procedures for business households to receive this cash support shall comply with the guidance in Decision 23/2021/QD-TTg. ( See details here )

Enterprises can borrow capital at 0% interest rate to pay salaries of employees who stop working due to Covid

Loan policy to pay wages to stop working, pay wages to restore production is one of the policies to support employers facing difficulties due to Covid-19 according to Resolution 68/NQ-CP issued on July 1, 2020. 2021, specifically as follows: ( See details here )

Temporarily suspending contributions to the retirement and survivorship fund for 6 months for many subjects

On July 1, 2021, the Government issued Resolution 68/NQ-CP on a number of policies to support employees and employers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including temporary policies. stop paying to the retirement and survivorship fund. ( See details here )

12 policies to support workers and businesses facing difficulties due to Covid-19

On July 1, 2021, the Government issued Resolution 68/NQ-CP on a number of policies to support employees and employers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ( See details here )

20 application forms to receive Covid-19 support under Resolution 68/NQ-CP

The Law Clerk would like to send to customers a word file of 20 application forms to declare and request support for Covid-19 issued together with Decision 23/2021/QD-TTg on implementation. policies to support people facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Resolution 68/NQ-CP. ( See details here )

The Ministry of Finance proposes to reduce land rent by 30% to support businesses

Along with the Government's submission to the National Assembly Standing Committee to reduce the tax payable by 30-50%, the Ministry of Finance said that it has also proposed the Government to reduce the land rent by 30% this year to support businesses affected by the impact. negative effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. ( See details here )

Support to reduce taxes, fees and interest rates for businesses facing difficulties because of Covid-19

The Ministry of Finance is rushing procedures for a tax and fee support package of about VND 20,000 billion; and banks also committed to reduce interest rates by more than 24,000 billion dong. ( See details here )

Announcement of a telecommunications support package of VND 10,000 billion for people, lasting for 3 months

On the afternoon of August 2, the Ministry of Information and Communications announced a telecommunications service support package of up to nearly 10,000 billion VND from 7 service providers. ( See details here )

Postponing the time to pay union dues for businesses in difficulty because of Covid-19

On May 28, 2021, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor issued Official Letter 2059/TLD on postponing the time of paying union dues for businesses affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. ( See details here )



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