Instructions on procedures for considering admission of party members in Vietnam

What are the regulations on procedures for considering admission of party members in Vietnam? - Tien Thanh (Kon Tum, Vietnam)

Procedures for considering admission of party members in Vietnam

The procedure for considering admission to party members in Vietnam is currently implemented in accordance with Instruction 01-HD/TW in 2021, specifically as follows:

(1) Fostering Party Awareness

Those who join the Party must take a class on fostering Party awareness and have a certificate issued by a district-level political center or equivalent; where there is no political center, it shall be granted by the Party Committee competent to admit party members.

(2) Application to join the Party

People who join the Party must make an application by themselves, clearly stating their perceptions of the Party's purposes and ideals, and the motivation for applying to the Party.

(3) CV of the person who joined the Party

- People who join the Party declare themselves, fully, clearly and honestly according to regulations, take responsibility for the declared contents; If there is a problem that you do not understand and do not remember correctly, you must report it to the branch.

- The curriculum vitae must be verified and concluded by the grassroots committee before recording the content of certification, signing and stamping.

(4) Checking the background of people entering the Party

* Those who need background check include:

- People who join the Party.

- Father, mother, father, mother-in-law (husband) or person who directly takes care of himself; The spouse or natural child of the person joining the Party has full civil act capacity (hereinafter referred to as the relative).

*Content of verification and verification

- For people joining the Party: Clarifying issues about political history and current politics; on the observance of the Party's guidelines, guidelines and policies, and the State's laws; political, moral and lifestyle qualities.

- For relatives: Clarifying issues about political history and current politics; the observance of the lines, guidelines and policies of the Party and laws of the State.

*Method of verification and verification

- If a person joins the Party in one of the following cases, he is currently a Party member: the biological father, mother, brother, sister, or biological child; and in the CV of the person joining the Party who has fully, clearly, and truthfully declared according to regulations, he/she is not required to be examined and verified.

- If the spouse of the person joining the Party is a party member or, in one of the following cases, is a party member:
The biological father, mother, brother, sister, and in the CV of the person entering the Party who have fully, clearly, and truthfully declared in accordance with the regulations, are not required to verify and verify the spouse's side.

- If the content is unclear, then verify and verify that content; when the grassroots party committee (in his hometown, place of residence, or place of work) has confirmed, if there is any unclear content, they should go to the organizing committee of the immediate superior party committee of the grassroots party organization to verify and clarify.

- The well-known contents of the CVs of people entering the Party and their relatives living and working in their hometowns in the same grassroots Party organization (commune, ward, town...) from the time of grandfather and grandmother until now, the branch committee reports to the branch, the branch to conclude, the grassroots party committee to check and write certification opinions, sign, and stamp on the curriculum vitae, no need for separate verification.

- The background check of the person entering the party in the armed forces is compared with the background of that person declared when he/she enlists or is recruited. If there is any unclear content, it must be examined and verified to clarify.

- Those who join the Party and are overseas shall compare their resumes with those managed by competent agencies in the country or get certifications from grassroots committees in their hometowns or the place of residence, place of work of that person in the country.

- If the relatives of people who join the Party are abroad, the party committee where the person joins the Party shall make a written request specifying the contents of the request to the Party committee or representative mission of Vietnam abroad (via the Party Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for certification; if the political situation is unclear, the security agency shall be responsible for managing and monitoring such organizations for verification.

- Party members and their relatives who are working at foreign representative agencies, non-governmental organizations, and enterprises with 100% foreign capital in Vietnam, then representatives of grassroots committees come to the workplace, and the security agencies are responsible for managing and monitoring those organizations to examine the political issues of these people.

*Responsibility of Party Committees and Party Members

- Responsibilities of the branch and grassroots Party Committee where someone joins the Party:

+ Check and stamp the border on the pages of the CV of the person entering the Party (the Party committee has not commented and the grassroots committee has not certified, signed, and stamped the resume).

+ Send a written request for verification and the applicant's background to the party's grassroots party committee or responsible agency for verification. In case of necessity, the Party cell shall send party members to investigate. Party members who go to verify are responsible for reporting to the Party Committee the assigned contents in writing and taking responsibility before the Party for such content.

+ Summarize the verification results, record the certification content, and sign and stamp the resume of the person joining the Party.

- Responsibilities of grassroots party committees and agencies where background verification is required:

+ Direct the branch committee or secretary of the branch (where there is no branch committee) and relevant affiliated agencies to confirm the CVs of applicants to the Party.

+ The grassroots level of the place of inspection: Assess and write down necessary information on the applicant's background as requested by the Party committee where the applicant is to join the Party, which is correct, incorrect, or incomplete with the content of the applicant's Party membership declared in the curriculum vitae; the collective committee or the standing committee of the party committee agree on the content recorded in the section "Comments of the Party committee, organization..." at the end of the "Resume of the applicant to join the Party". The person on behalf of the party committee shall certify, sign, specify his/her position, affix a stamp to his/her resume, and send it to the grassroots party committee upon request; if sent by official letter, it should not be later than 30 working days (in the country), 90 working days (outside the country) from the date of receiving the official letter requesting a background check.

+ The collective leadership of the organizing committee at the immediate superior level of the grassroots party organization where the background check is required to agree on the content before confirming the resume of the applicant to join the Party.

* Expenses for the background check of people entering the Party at agencies, units receiving state budgets, state enterprises, fees for sending verification documents, and working-trip expenses for party members for verification shall be paid in accordance with current regulations of the Party and State; In other units, if there is a difficulty in funding, the immediate superior committee of the grassroots party organization shall provide the funding.

(5) Collect comments from the socio-political organizations where the Party members live and the Party committees where the Party members reside.

The Party Committee or its secretary (where there is no branch committee) collects opinions from representatives of socio-political organizations of which Party members are members; collects comments from the party committee or branch (where there is no branch committee) where the person entering the Party resides; and compiles them into a written departmental report.

In special cases that do not require comments from the Party committee or branch of the place of residence for people entering the Party, the regulations of the Secretariat shall be complied with.

(6) Resolutions of the cell and grassroots committees considering admission to the Party

- Cells (including grassroots branches) consider: application to join the Party; the person's background in the Party; written introduction of the official party member; a resolution on introducing union members of the Executive Committee of the grassroots Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (or grassroots branch collective) or a resolution on introducing trade union members of the grassroots trade union executive committee; a summary of opinions and comments of socio-political organizations where people join the Party and live in the Party committee or branch where they reside.

- If two-thirds of the official party members or more agree to admit people to the Party, the cell shall issue a resolution to request the superior Party Committee to consider and decide.

The resolution clearly states the cell's conclusions on the background; political enlightenment consciousness; advantages and disadvantages in terms of moral qualities and lifestyle; working capacity; mass relations of people entering the Party; and official numbers of party members who agree or disagree.

Where there is a divisional party committee, the divisional party committee shall appraise the cell's resolution on admission of party members and report it to the grassroots party committee.

- The grassroots party committees discuss and vote, and if two-thirds of the members of the party or higher level agree, issue a resolution to request the higher level committees consider admission.

If the grassroots party committee is authorized to decide on the admission of party members, that grassroots party committee shall issue a resolution and decide on admission.

(7) Decision of the Party Committee competent to admit Party members

- After receiving the grassroots party committee's resolution requesting admission for a party member, the organizing committee of the competent committee shall re-evaluate and extract documents and send them to the members of the standing committee for research.

The Standing Committee of the Party Committee holds a meeting to consider, and if more than half of the standing committee members agree, it will issue a decision to admit Party members. For grassroots party committees authorized to decide on the admission of party members, it must be approved by at least two-thirds of the membership level before they can issue a decision to admit party members.

- For grassroots party organizations affiliated to the provincial Party Committee, city party committee or party committee directly under the Central Government that are not authorized to decide on admission of party members, grassroots party committees shall send a written request together with the application file to the organizing committee of the provincial party committee, city party committee or party committee directly under the central government for appraisal and report to the standing committee of the party committee; Standing committees at the party level shall preside over and together with the comrades of the standing committees who are heads of the party committees to consider and, if more than half of the members agree, issue a decision to admit party members.

For grassroots committees under the Central Public Security Party Committee that are not authorized to decide on admission of party members, send a written request with the application file to the Department of Party and Political Work for appraisal and report to the Standing Board of the Central Public Security Party Committee for consideration. If more than half of the members agree, a decision on admission to the party will be issued.

- In case the person joining the Party has problems related to political history or current politics, if it falls under the decision-making authority of the Party Committee, the Party Committee shall direct the committee to consider and draw conclusions before considering admission; if it is not within the decision-making authority of the Party Committee (according to the Politburo's regulations), it shall report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Party Committee of the province, or the Party Committee of the Central Government for consideration, if it is approved in writing, the competent authority will issue a decision on admission.

(8) Hold a party member admission ceremony

*The party member admission ceremony must be held dignified; conduct admission one by one (if two or more people are admitted in the same ceremony).

*Decoration of the admission ceremony (viewed from below): At the top is the slogan "Long live the glorious Vietnamese Communist Party"; Party flag, Fatherland flag, statue or photo of President Ho Chi Minh (left), Marx - Lenin's photo (right), and the title: "Party admission ceremony".

*The program of the admission ceremony

- Salute the flag (singing the national anthem, the international anthem).

- Statement of reasons, introduction of delegates.

- The secretary of the branch or a representative of the branch committee reads the decision on admission to a party member issued by the competent party committee.

- New party members read the oath.

- The representative of the Party Committee clearly states the duties and powers of the party members, the tasks of the branch and assigns the official party members to assist the reserve members.

- The representative of the superior committee gives opinions (if any).

- Closing ceremony (singing National Anthem, International Anthem).

(9) The consideration and admission of Party members for those who join the Party when changing working units or places of residence:

* People who join the Party while being considered and admitted by the Party organization, move to a new working unit or place of residence.

The grassroots committee level where the person moves to shall issue a certificate that the person is being helped by the party organization and consider admission; The grassroots Party committees at the destination assign the cell to continue assigning official party members (regardless of the time when the official party members work together with the people joining the Party) to monitor and help.

*People who join the Party have not yet decided to enroll.

People who join the Party have been considered and issued a resolution by the grassroots Party cell or Party committee, but have not yet sent the admission dossier to the Party committee competent to admit Party members (authorized party committee, delegated party committee standing committee, district level standing committee, and equivalent), the grassroots party committees where they transfer to send an official dispatch enclosed with the application for admission of party members to the party committees competent to admit party members where they transfer to. The Party Committees competent to admit Party members where they transfer to direct the Party Committees directly under them to assign official Party members to monitor, assist, and consider them for admission.

Those who join the Party have been sent by grassroots committees a resolution and dossiers on admission of Party members to a competent level, but have not yet had a decision on admission but move to a new work or study unit or move to a new place of residence within 15 working days, the Party Committee competent to admit Party members shall send an official dispatch enclosed with the application for admission to the Party Committee competent to admit Party members, the Party Committee has the authority to admit Party members, and the place of transfer will consider if the criteria and conditions are met within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the application for admission, issue a decision on admission; if the above time limit is not issued, the admission decision must be reported to the superior party committee.

*Persons who join the Party have been admitted by the Party Committee competent to admit Party members and issue admission decisions

- For those who join the Party and move to a new work, study, or residence unit under the leadership of the Party Committee competent to admit Party members (within the same district-level party committee and the equivalent), the Party Committee level has the authority to admit Party members, considers it, and notifies it to the grassroots party committee where they transfer out, and at the same time transmits the admission decision to the grassroots committee level where the person joining the Party moves to organize the admission ceremony.

- People entering the Party move to a new work, study, or residence unit outside the leadership of the Party Committee competent to admit Party members.

+ In case the Party Committee has the authority to admit Party members, the place of transfer shall issue a decision on admission to the Party within 30 working days from the date the person who is admitted to the Party has a decision to move to a new unit or place of residence. The Party Committee of the place of transfer shall send an official dispatch enclosed with the decision and admission dossier to the immediate superior level of the Party Committee of the grassroots organization where the person entering the Party moves to direct the branch to organize the admission of party members. Do not organize admission in the place where you have moved.

+ In case the Party Committee has the authority to admit party members and has issued a decision on admission after 30 working days, from the date the person joining the Party has decided to move to a new unit or place of residence, the Party Committee competent to admit Party members where they transfer will cancel their admission decisions and send an official dispatch together with the application for admission to the Party Committee competent to admit Party members where they transfer for consideration and an admission decision.

For the above cases, the grassroots committees shall move to check the dossiers and procedures before the admission organization; if the principles and procedures are not satisfied, they shall request the Party Committee competent to admit Party members where the admission decision is issued for reconsideration. The time for reconsideration shall not exceed 60 working days from the date of receipt of a written request from the Party Committee where the person joining the Party moves.

(10) The assignment of party members to monitor and assist reserve party members

- For a substitute party member who moves his or her party activities (either officially or temporarily) to a new place of work, study, or residence, the branch committee or grassroots party committee where the party member is moving, comments on the self-criticism of the reserve member and attaches the comment on the reserve member of the official assigned to help party members report to the Party Committee or branch where they move to assign official party members to monitor and help.

- Official party members who monitor and assist reserve party members before transferring party activities to another grassroots party organization shall have to send comments on the reserve party members. The branch assigned other official party members to continue to monitor and assist the reserve party members.

Mai Thanh Loi


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