How old is the youth? Regulations on dialogue with the youth in Vietnam

How old is the youth? What are the regulations on dialogue with the youth in Vietnam? – Huyen Trang (Gia Lai, Vietnam)

How old is the youth? Regulations on dialogue with the youth in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. How old is the youth?

According to Article 1 of the Youth Law 2020, the youth provided for in this Law are Vietnamese citizens aged between full sixteen and thirty years old.

2. Regulations on dialogue with the youth in Vietnam

2.1. Rules for dialogues with the youth in Vietnam 

- Abide by guidelines of the Communist Party and state policies and law in organizing dialogues with the youth;

- Respect and listen to opinions and wishes of the youth.

- Ensure transparency, timeliness and compliance with the law.

2.2. Responsibility for dialogue organization in Vietnam

- The Prime Minister and Chairpersons of People’s Committees at all levels shall organize dialogues with the youth at least once a year.

- Heads of regulatory bodies, organizations and people’s armed forces shall organize dialogues with the youth at the request of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam Youth Federation, Vietnam National Union of Students and other youth organizations established and operating under the law.

2.3. Dialogue formats in Vietnam

The Prime Minister, Chairpersons of People’s Committees at all levels and the regulatory bodies, organizations and units mentioned in Clause 2 Article 5 of this Decree have the power to decide whether dialogues with the youth take place in person or online.

2.4. Dialogue contents in Vietnam

- Implementation of mechanisms, policies and regulations of law concerning the youth.

- Activities of regulatory bodies and organizations related to the legitimate rights and interests of the youth.

- Intra vires contents or responsibility for reporting propositions from the youth to competent authorities for handling.

- Roles and responsibilities of the youth in learning, working, training, participation in socio - economic development and protection of the Fatherland.

- Other propositions from the youth.

2.5. Formulation of dialogue plans and agendas in Vietnam

- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in formulating and proposing plans and agendas of annual youth dialogues to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

Regulatory bodies and units in charge of youth affairs shall take charge and cooperate with Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unions at the same level in formulating and proposing plans and agendas of annual youth dialogues to Chairpersons of People's Committees at the same level for consideration and decision.

- Heads of regulatory bodies, organizations and people’s armed force units shall formulate youth dialogue plans at the request of the youth organizations mentioned in Clause 2 Article 5 of Decree 13/2021/ND-CP.

- Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and other youth organizations shall consolidate needs, wishes and propositions of the youth, select topics and cooperate with the regulatory bodies, organizations and units mentioned in Clauses 1 and 2 herein in formulating dialogue plans.

2.6. Contents of dialogue plans and agendas in Vietnam

- Contents of dialogue plans include:

+ Objectives and requirements: receive opinions and propositions from the youth concerning formulation and implementation of policies and law; disseminate policies and laws on youth; address issues about legitimate youth rights and interests arising during implementation of state policies and laws on the youth;

+ Time:

The Prime Minister and Chairpersons of People’s Committees at all levels shall organize dialogues with the youth at least once a year in March or at a suitable time;

For dialogue requests from the youth organizations mentioned in Clause 2 Article 5 of Decree 13/2021/ND-CP, within 45 days starting from the date of receipt of a request, heads of regulatory bodies, organizations and people’s armed force units shall consider organizing these dialogues.

+ Location: regulatory bodies, organizations and units shall select dialogue venues and make preparations suitable for the dialogue format to enable the youth to participate;

+ Contents: regulatory bodies, organizations and units shall cooperate with Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unions at the same level and other youth organizations in selecting dialogue contents from those mentioned in Article 7 of Decree 13/2021/ND-CP;

+ Participants:

Presiding entities: the Prime Minister and Chairpersons of People’s Committees at all levels shall preside over periodic dialogues; heads of regulatory bodies, organizations and units shall preside over dialogues organized at the request of youth organizations;

Participants: representatives of leaders of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unions at the same level; representatives of specialized units of regulatory bodies, organizations and units organizing the dialogue;

Representatives of youth authorities at all levels; youth representatives introduced by Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unions at the same level; and representatives of relevant regulatory bodies, organizations and units.

+ Implementing entities: regulatory bodies, organizations and units organizing dialogues shall assign tasks in plan implementation.

- Agendas include start time, end time; dialogue contents; and task assignment.

2.7. Dialogue organization in Vietnam

- According to published dialogue plans and agendas, regulatory bodies, organizations and units shall take charge and cooperate with Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unions at the same level and relevant regulatory bodies in organizing dialogues.

- Regulatory bodies, organizations and units organizing dialogues shall decide to receive opinions and propositions from the youth in writing, in speech or via mass media or their websites/ web portals as appropriate to the format mentioned in Article 6 of Decree 13/2021/ND-CP.

- Regulatory bodies, organizations and units shall consolidate and arrange issues by topic to address issues within their competence in dialogues and send the remaining to competent authorities for resolution according to regulations.

2.8. Contents of dialogue conclusions in Vietnam

- The Prime Minister, Chairpersons of People’s Committees at all levels, regulatory bodies, organizations and units shall draw up and send conclusions of complicated and interdisciplinary matters to relevant regulatory bodies, organizations and units for consideration and resolution as per the law. These conclusions consist of:

+ Issues raised in opinions and propositions of the youth;

+ Opinions and propositions from the youth handled in the dialogue;

+ Opinions and propositions from the youth concerning complicated and interdisciplinary matters sent to competent authorities for consideration and resolution;

+ Assigning regulatory bodies, organizations and units to handle propositions from the youth intra vires.

- Deadline for promulgation and handling of dialogue conclusions is provided for in Clause 3 Article 10 of the Youth Law 2020.

2.9. Implementation

- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and relevant regulatory bodies in monitoring, expediting and inspecting organization of dialogues with the youth in their bodies and localities under their management.

- On an annual basis, heads of regulatory bodies, organizations and units shall report results of dialogue organization and proposition handling to their supervisory bodies.

- On an annual basis, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies and People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities shall incorporate results of dialogues with the youth into their reports on state management of the youth and submit these reports to the Ministry of Home Affairs, which will report to the Government as prescribed by law.

(Chapter II of Decree 13/2021/ND-CP)

Diem My


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