How many film/movie ratings are there? Who has the authority to rate films/movies in Vietnam?

Depending on the content of the film, the competent authority shall rate films according to the age of viewers. So according to Cinema Law 2022 , how many film/movie ratings are there? Who has the authority to rate films/movies in Vietnam?

How many film/movie ratings are there? Who has the authority to rate films/movies in Vietnam?

1. Film/Movie Ratings

Pursuant to Article 32 of the Law on Cinema 2022, films/movies ratings are as follows:

- Films/movies are rated by content to be disseminated in accordance with the viewer's age or are not allowed to be disseminated as follows:

+ Rate P: Films/movies allowed to be disseminated to viewers of all ages;

+ Rate T18 (18+): Films/movies disseminated to viewers aged 18 years and over;

+ Rate T16 (16+): Films/movies popularized to viewers aged 16 and over;

+ Rate T13 (13+): Films/moviesFilms disseminated to viewers aged 13 and over;

+ Rate K: Films/movies disseminated to viewers under the age of 13 with parent or guardian guidance;

+ Rate C: Films/movies not allowed to be disseminated.

- Criteria for rating films applicable to all forms of film dissemination shall be prescribed by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam.

2. Film/movie rating authority

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 27 of the Cinematography Law 2022, the competence to grant a film rating license includes:

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam issues a license to rate popular films/movies in:

+ Cinemas;

+ At public movie venues;

+ In cyberspace under the conditions outlined in Point b, Clause 2 of Article 21 of the Cinematography Law 2022;

+ At the headquarters of diplomatic missions and foreign cultural establishments established in Vietnam as prescribed in Article 24 of the Cinematography Law 2022;

- Provincial-level People's Committees shall be granted film rating licenses when meeting the conditions prescribed by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam.

Article 31 of the Cinematography Law 2022 stipulates that the Film Evaluation and Rating Council as follows:

- Competence to establish the Film Evaluation and Rating Council includes:

+ The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam establishes the Film Evaluation and Rating Council of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

+ Presidents of provincial-level People's Committees in Vietnam establish Film Evaluation and Rating Council of provinces and centrally run cities;

+ The head of a press agency having a television operation license shall establish a Film Evaluation and Rating Council of the press agency.

- The Film Appraisal and Classification Council is responsible for advising the competent state agency before granting the Film Rating License or the Broadcasting Decision.

The composition of the Film Evaluation and Rating Council includes:

+ Cinematographer;

+ Experts;

+ Managers in related fields, ensuring the principle of gender equality.

- The Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam shall prescribe the organization and operation of the Film Evaluation and Rating Council.

Rating films is the job of the authority issuing rating licenses. However, before granting a Film Rating License, the state agencies shall consult the Film Evaluation and Rating Council.

Ngoc Nhi


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