Bluezone is a free application in Vietnam that alerts users if they have been in close contact with someone infected with COVID-19. Bluezone is now officially available on AppStore and Google Play to support quick and convenient epidemic prevention.
Instructions for Installing Bluezone
Step 1: Access the App Store (for iOS devices like iPhone, iPad) or Google Play (for Android phones).
Step 2: Enter the keyword "Bluezone" into the search bar.
Step 3: Select the application "Bluezone – Electronic Mask (Authority of Information Technology Application, Ministry of Information and Communications)" and install it.
Step 4: Confirm to allow Bluezone to access the user's location and activate Bluetooth.
Step 5: Turn on Bluetooth and location services before using the application to protect yourself and those around you.
Guidance on installing the BLUEZONE application – COVID-19 exposure alert in Vietnam (Screenshot of the application interface)
Some Important Information on the Application
1. Scan Around: Press "Scan Around" to identify if anyone around is using Bluezone. If anyone within 2 meters of you is using Bluezone, the application will automatically identify these users and add them to the contact list.
2. Contact History: Shows the total number of people you have contacted and the number of close contacts on the selected date.
3. Notifications: Displays notifications from the application.
4. Invite: Invite everyone to use Bluezone by selecting "Share Application."
5. Introduction: Provides a detailed introduction to the application and contact information.
Operation of the Bluezone Application
Step 1: Join the Bluezone community (available for Android and iOS).
Step 2: The application records close contact events (when and how long).
Step 3: If there is an F0 case, the authorized health agency will input F0 data into the system.
Step 4: The system will send F0 data to all devices in the Bluezone community.
Step 5: The Bluezone application on the device will compare the contact history with the F0 data.
Step 6: If the F0 data matches the contact data.
Step 7: The application alerts the user of the risk of COVID-19 infection.
Step 8: The screen displays instructions to contact the authorized health agency for assistance.
Step 9: The application can alert individuals in the F2 group (those who had close contact with F1).
Install Bluezone to protect the health of yourself and those around you.
Le Vy