Circular No.02/2022/TT-BTNMT This section shall provide specific regulations on collection, transportation and treatment of domestic solid waste by volume or volume of waste.
Circular No.02/2022/TT-BTNMT, in which:
* The provincial People's Committees shall decide the form of collecting service prices of collection, transport and treatment of daily-life solid waste by volume or volume of waste in one of the following cases:
+ Through the selling price of packaging of daily-life solid waste Price of packaging includes the cost of packaging and price of service of collection, transportation and treatment of daily-life solid waste;
+ Through the volume of equipment containing daily-life solid waste;
+ through determination of volume of daily-life solid waste (for agencies and organizations) or other forms specified by the provincial People's Committee.
- 160;Technical requirements for packaging of daily-life solid waste specified in point a clause 1 of this Article:
+ Having different specification, design, size, volume in accordance with provisions of the provincial People's Committee to ensure easy distinction from other common packaging. Each type of packaging of daily-life solid waste may have different volume corresponding to various selling price levels;
+ Packaging for storing different types of daily-life solid waste with different colors; packaging for storing food waste with green color, packaging for storing other daily-life solid waste with yellow color. In case of necessity, the provincial People's Committee may prescribe other colors to ensure the uniformity and consistency in the provincial area;
+ Waste packaging materials must be suitable to local waste treatment technologies. It is recommended to use packages that are easily biodegradable materials;
+ Packaging containing food waste or mixed with food waste must ensure to prevent water leakage and dispersion of smell;
+ In case a locality specifies that daily-life solid waste must be classified into different categories under Point c. Clause 1, Article 75 of the Law on Environmental Protection, materials used for storing daily-life solid waste must be visible to internal types of waste. If only the classification of solid wastes which can be recycled and other domestic solid wastes is required, this regulation shall not be followed;
+ packaging of daily-life solid waste with design which is easy to open, ensures that the daily-life solid waste is not spilled and convenient for examination;
+ Solid wastes which can be reused or recycled shall be stored in common packings, ensuring to be stored and not to cause environmental pollution.
Forms of collection, transport and treatment of domestic solid waste by volume or volume of waste in Vietnam
* The collection of service charges via packages as specified at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article shall be effected as follows:
+ The provincial People's Committee shall select the facility of production and distribution of packages of daily-life solid waste through bidding in accordance with regulations of law on bidding. Facility producing and distributing packages of daily-life solid waste is a specialized facility or facility of collection and transport of daily-life solid waste;
+ Household and individual distributors of packages of daily-life solid waste using the form of distribution; distributing such packages to households and individuals with a certain quantity of packages under the monthly norm or other forms as appropriate.
Anh Duy