Dak Lak province, Vietnam: To restrict large gatherings starting from July 30th to combat COVID-19

Recently, the People's Committee of Dak Lak Province, Vietnam, issued Official Dispatch 6592/UBND-KGVX on the implementation of urgent measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in the province.

Dak Lak province, Vietnam: To restrict large gatherings starting from July 30th to combat COVID-19

Dak Lak province, Vietnam: To restrict large gatherings starting from July 30th to combat COVID-19 (Internet image)

On July 29th, 2020, Dak Lak province, Vietnam recorded 1 positive case of COVID-19. In order to timely prevent and control the spread of the disease within the province, the provincial People's Committee has requested departments, agencies, organizations, and local authorities to urgently implement preventive measures as follows:

- Heads of agencies and units, district People's Committees must enhance their responsibility, actively participate in COVID-19 prevention and control efforts, strictly implement measures to detect and isolate sources of infection, quickly quarantine affected areas, and effectively suppress the outbreak. They should prioritize time and human resources, be ready to cooperate, and engage with relevant units to fulfill tasks as quickly as possible, achieving high efficiency and the goal of controlling the spread of the disease.

- Chairpersons of People's Committees at all levels need to coordinate with relevant units to implement measures to restrict large gatherings starting at 00:00 on July 30th, 2020, and are directly accountable to the provincial People's Committee if any large gatherings occur within their jurisdiction. Specifically:

+ Suspend meetings and events with more than 20 people in one room.

+ Prohibit gatherings of more than 20 people outside of work, schools, and hospitals. Advise people not to leave their homes unless necessary and strictly follow preventive measures (regular handwashing with soap or sanitizer, maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter when in contact with others, wearing masks when going out and using public transportation, in crowded places, etc.).

+ Stop religious ceremonies and activities with more than 20 participants at religious establishments. Suspend all cultural, sports, and entertainment activities in public places.

+ Suspend the operation of service businesses such as amusement parks, entertainment venues, karaoke bars, massage parlors, bars/pubs, nightclubs, cinemas, public internet access points, electronic gaming venues, gambling venues, and fitness centers (gyms, yoga studios, etc.). For restaurants and cafes within the province, strict compliance with preventive measures recommended by the Health Department is required (wearing masks, temperature checks, providing hand sanitizing areas for staff and customers, arranging the seating area to ensure a minimum distance of 1 meter, etc.).

- The Department of Transport, the provincial police, and the People's Committee of Buon Ma Thuot City and other localities need to coordinate with the Department of Health and the provincial Center for Disease Control to actively search, trace, and quarantine F1 cases who have had contact with the female patient positive for COVID-19.

- Districts, towns, and cities must proactively implement necessary measures to effectively carry out COVID-19 prevention and control work, especially strict control of people traveling to and from affected areas (Quang Nam, Da Nang, Quang Ngai, etc.).

- The Department of Health, the provincial police, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the provincial Military Command, and the provincial Border Guard Command, in coordination with relevant units and the People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities, must continue to strictly control all border entry cases, especially those crossing the border with Cambodia. They should proactively increase manpower, resources, and material facilities to ensure the implementation of centralized quarantine and health monitoring for all cases according to regulations, ensuring the safety of personnel involved in COVID-19 prevention and control work, especially in centralized quarantine areas.

- The Department of Information and Communications and the Department of Health should continue to provide timely, comprehensive, transparent, and public information on the pandemic situation. They should focus on disseminating information for the public, businesses, and establishments to share and join hands in pandemic prevention and control, demonstrating their responsibility to the community. Encourage people to voluntarily declare their health status, promptly detect and report suspected cases to the authorities.

- The Department of Health, in coordination with the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs, the provincial police, and relevant units, must urgently prepare and ensure readiness to resume the operation of two provincial quarantine areas before 12:00 on July 30th (at the Nursing Center for Revolutionary Contributors for healthcare workers and personnel involved in COVID-19 prevention and control, and at the Central Highlands Mobile Police Regiment for citizens).

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More details can be found in Official Dispatch 6592/UBND-KGVX, dated July 29th, 2020.


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